Why so much anger? Why is God to Blame?
Why do movies like this cause so much anger in some people?
I must say, first of all, that I was pleased to see a "horror" film made from a God centered point of view as opposed to Satan's........(like most are, where evil is always stronger that good). I also liked the fact that people weren't being punished for 'sinning'. They were simply experiencing the natural and Bible predicted consequence of not accepting God.
But there's that concept of sin that everyone wants to jump on. I, personally don't believe mankind is wise enough to decide who and what is sin (or a sinner). That seems to be in direct contradiction with the Christian belief that only God may judge. Instead, I think the movie was trying to get the message across that the only true sin (and consequence of that sin) is not accepting & believing in God and fully accepting Him/Her on pure FAITH.
Now...I feel I if I'm going to stick my opinions in here then I must address some confusion or conclusions about God being cruel, & why a loving God would allow the believers or converts in this movie to be punished AFTER accepting God. (Again) My personal belief and take on this film's message was pretty straight forward. The only true "sin" is not accepting God. And the result of that action (or lack of) is the inevitable suffering to follow. Period. There is no Christian doctrine that I am aware of, which promises if one truly & fully accepts God, that their world and life will be easy, blissful or happy WHILE THEY REMAIN ON EARTH. The world is full of, and always will be of trial, pain, and tribulation. Heaven comes after personal acceptance of God and is promised AFTER death......it is the promise of everlasting life in the company of the Almighty. The protagonists in the film, by their initial lack of an initial, true conviction, lost/missed out on the chance to be taken quickly & without suffering. They had the same opportunities as those who did believe and were spared the horror, but did not take it. It was that individual choice that could have 'damned' them. But the loving God, still did not forsake them and kept true to the promise of salvation if there was faithful acceptance. If the film had shown those later converts being somehow 'raptures' out of the end times horror, it would have contradicted God's Word/Promise. Where the film may have fallen short was in not clearly explaining that those 'late believers' were saved an eternity of horror......only having to experience a short bit. I'm reminded of the Christians described in Acts & subsequent books thereto. Those believers suffered in the temporary with the full knowledge that it was temporary; they would see God & experience Heaven.
I think man has caused this 'hell on earth' and I think it grieves God to see His loved ones suffer. But God cannot intervene until AFTER! Otherwise He would be contradicting His promise. I think the movie did a pretty good job conveying this, but ultimately it will be each viewer's decision. The acting, screenplay, sets and special affects were definitely NOT B grade!