People seem to be really struggling with this question. It presents itself as horror, as most definitely the notion of a 'rapture' and then all the horror that is prophesised as occuring during the 7 year tribulation would or should be horrifying to everyone, beleivers and non-believers alike.
To me that seems to be the whole aim of this movie.
Judging by some reviews a lot of people seem actually offended by it. Admittedly it does at time come off as a bit preachy, but I can think of only about three or four dozen other horror movies where the holy word, faith, or biblical prophecy is used. I don't recall, for example, anyone whining about it after The Omen Trilogy first aired.
This movie takes a part of the bible that deals with end times and attempts to bring it to life in a very realistic, and moreover horrific to those left behind, way. And barring a few bits of weak dialogue ("Did you hear that?", "What was THAT? Did you HEAR that?") and snippets of over-the-top acting, and a likeness to movies like Cloverfield, Steven King's The Mist, and that stinkfest with Nickolas Cage (Left Behind, was it?), they pull this one off quite well all things considered.
It's a movie with a message. That message is contraversial, based on deep, serious, contraversial and often ridiculed subject matter. And it does if anything, get the viewer feeling things that are uncomfortable, thinking and talking about things they would likely rather not think about. It annoys you at times, angers you at others, hits you with sadness and grief at still others, even disgusts you and possibly freaks you out a little when you least expected it.
Sounds like a horror movie to me.
______________________ Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!
People didn't get offended or go all anti Christian when horror movies like the The Omen, Rosemarys Baby, and The Exorcist came out because people weren't ridiculous back then like they are now. People have become absolutely idiotic now about anything they don't like. Sort of like Nazis. Same intolerant fascist mentality.
People didn't get offended or go all anti Christian when horror movies like the The Omen, Rosemarys Baby, and The Exorcist came out because people weren't ridiculous back then
Or the movies you mentioned are well crafted movies and the modern Christian movies aren't.
It's a Christian movie. I guess with congregation numbers dropping they feel the need to scare people into church.
You'd have to be pretty weak minded to fall for this crap.
Parents use that "you better be good or bad things will happen to you" garbage on their kids to get them to do what they want. You would think anyone who has achieved an intellect level above that of a 5 year old would see it for what it is.
I'm tempted to answer with "How on earth can you misread my meaning so egregiously" but I'll instead try to explain it to you in case others have the same concern you do...
What I said or was referring to in my original post was that the movie, or it's producer(s), director, etc, were attempting to realistically (as in authentically if you will) show us the viewers what it might feel like to go through an apocalyptic event such as this.
The effects -- meant to show what it would 'feel' like, "fire & brimstone" raining down, attempting to bring to life at least some of the horrors in biblical prophecy. Fear, panic, and chaos -- all done with varying degrees of realism, all of it has certainly happened before in human history. Human stupidity -- that can and often does occur in a crisis - check.
Nowhere did I say that the event the movie deals with is realistic as far as our actual present existance is concerned. At this point it's nothing but fantasy, hasn't happened yet, and of course those who have no faith are confident or at least hold out hope that it never does, in spite of the BILLIONS who believe that it will.
I do have a suggestion for you though. If you haven't done so already I suggest you read the book of Revelations in the Bible, or if that's too out there for you (it is actually pretty far out there) then grab a copy of There's a New World Coming by Hal Lindsay which offers some interesting insight into the meaning of Revelations, and then ask yourself what such an apocalyptic even might feel like or look like. I'm not trying to turn you into a "Bible thumper" but surely you can agree that the more you know about a thing the less confusion or misconceptions you have about it, no?
This movie tried to answer that very question, "What would it feel like?" in as an authentic way as they could. That's all I meant by "realistic", nothing more.
______________________ Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!
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My guess is the atheists on this board would call me a Bible thumper already. Lol . Or worse at the Gods Not Dead board....oh my....oh dear...awwww shucks.....
But, what those critics don't get, is that 2000 years ago, St John on the island of Patmos prophesized that he saw at the end of the world, God unleashing 200,000,000 demons and that's what this movie depicts. But it is attempting to bring Revelation 9 where the 200 million demons are named specifically by number, according to St. John, into a real life scenario. I think this was a great movie. I'm not surprised about the low rating, because it's a Christian movie, and those always score low even though they're well done.
*Free speech opinion w/pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussion🌈
Thanks for your input Lena. Always nice to see someone other than myself has read up on some of this stuff. I first began studying John, Revelations, and also several other non-bible works on the subject of end times back in the early 70's, but put it aside for several decades since because, well, it's easy to become obsessed. I've known many Christians who are in fact. But it may very well be the reason for my ongoing fascination with all things post-apocalyptic, biblically-related or otherwise.
As to the 200 million figure. There's been much discussion over the years as to what that figure actually represents. Many say demons (literal), others (like the afore-mentioned author Hal Lindsey)have offered possibilities of alternate interpretations, one such being an army of 200 million soldiers. The thinking being that John, a man who lived thousands of years ago, did not fully understand what he was seeing in his visions, much less what they meant. Many think he was in fact trying to describe a third world war scenario, complete with giant crawling beetles spitting fire (tanks?), giant flying fire-spitting insects (helicopters?) etc. As I said to Ben it's a pretty far out there read, did I not?
But I'll concede that for movie purposes demons are far scarier to today's viewers than tanks and helicopters. :)
Anyway just wanted to throw that out there. It's a big and quite contraversial much-debated topic this movie attempts to cover if not entertain us with. Even some Christians admit it's a tad 'preachy', but for me it wasn't as off-putting as some others here are saying it was.
As to my title question I'm going to again say it's both Christian and horror. A horror movie based on biblical concepts, concepts that if (or when) this all takes place it will be insanely horrific for those who remain to endure it, whatever 'it' is. This movie takes a decent shot at bringing 'it' to life within the guidelines of prophecy. Sad that so many are so offended by the inclusion of that prophecy that they were unable to enjoy the horror movie that was also there.
______________________ Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!
Book of Revelation. Not Revelations. Rookie mistake, dude. And I'll tell you the absolute truth. Three of the worst human beings I have ever come into contact with were all Bible-thumpers, and 2 were PromiseKeepers. You can scream all night long about how much you love Christ, but if you lie, cheat, and steal from your friends, who are you to preach at me?
No, it is NOT a Christian movie in my opinion. It is a horror movie. Just because a movie has a Christian related theme doesn't make it a Christian movie. What makes it a Chrisitan movie is the strong faith in God or how one comes about finding it, which this movie like all Hollywood movies skirted around. It mixed non-biblical themes with biblical themes. I thought it was an alien attack. I like to look at movies like this and ask myself what would I do and would I know how to pray for strength, courage, and faith in God. I liked it as a horror movie though.
"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."--Claude Monet