I don't profess to be a subject matter on Revelations but did look further into one of the movie's more interesting depictions of demonic monsters rising out of the abyss to plague mankind.
Apparently it is indeed predicted in the Book of Revelations that a large but finite number of demons will arise from very deep within the earth in a monstrous form: men's faces with long (woman's) hair, teeth like a lion, bodies like that of horses and all armed with a scorpion-like tail and stinger that can inflict such an excruciatingly painful sting that the victim will wish for death. There's still some interpretation about these monsters. Will these monsters be in spirit form as depicted in the movie? Or will these monsters assume material form to attack mankind because as described, they will be able to inflict highly painful sting wounds upon people? It is not clear. As far as we know, no spirit entity can inflict such a material, biological wound that sounds like a type of neurotoxin. It would probably have to be a material creature but such a creature would be subject to the material and biological laws of this world and universe as established by God.
If the prophecy of these monsters is actually true and that these monsters must materialize in material form, then I hope the demonic beasts can be taken down by human weapons like firearms and hand weapons like axes, machetes, knives, hammers, sledgehammers, the ordinary stuff that ordinary people can get their hands on conveniently. The material form of the demons can be damaged and destroyed but not the demonic spirits of the monsters.
The subject matter for this movie is taken from Bible prophecy in.Revelation 9:13-9:21.
Revelation 9:13-21
13 The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God.
14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
16 The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number.
17 The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. 18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.
19 The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury. 20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
In the REAL prophecy, that is, the Bible.... Earth is under the control of Satan, the Lord of the Earth who lost the war in heaven he waged against God. And God sent archangel Michael and his army to evict Satan from.Heaven and cast him down to Earth. Satan then waged war on Eve and her offspring (woman of the Apocalypse) and Armageddon is Satan's last stand. His last chance to hold on to humanity and keep his stronghold over "those who dwell on Earth." Stopping the Apocalypse is working for Satan.... Only Satan wants to stop the Apocalypse so he can rule the Earth... but Bible prophecy says his last stand fails...
In the Bible, God is the one who unleashes 200,000,000 (200 million) DEMONS upon mankind as set forth in Revelation 9:13. Their purpose is to torment mankind and KILL 1/3 of mankind (plague) leaving ONLY those behind who refuse to repent for their idolatry, murders, sexual immortality, thefts...etc. If we do the math, yes it is the demons who are removing the Word of God from the planet leaving alone only those who reject God's word....leaving them so they can go on to take the mark of the beast (devil, antichrist).
But, why would a loving God torment with demons for 5 months??? And let them kill people? maybe....Grace... To better define the eternal CHOICE we all have in this life. Maybe to teach his flock while they are STILL alive in flesh, what HELL will be like if folks don't repent. Better to suffer 5 months of torment, then die and go to Heaven than to stick around, stay selfish in rejecting God, take the mark of the beast, live 6 more years, then die anyway and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire a/k/a Hell... Tribulation is supposed to last 7 years between rapture and the end of everything...
The irony of all this is that in the Bible, the demons are assisting in God's plan arguably. How? Well, you have to choose between accepting God and eternal life after mortal death or rejecting God, taking the mark of the beast, and following the Dragon (Satan) to spiritual death after mortal death. If you are not one of the faithful during the reaping under the 6th seal of Revelation (the Rapture), then you are stuck to ride out the Apocalypse for 7 years under the mark of the Anti Christ.
In the Bible, God gradually turns up the volume in calling his flock back. Trumpets sounding, "I'm here, make your choice of eternal life with me, or death with Apollyon (Satan)..." A seal is opened..."please come back to me my flock..." Trumpets sounding again, "are you listening time is almost up...choose..." Bowls poured onto humanity...Demons unleashed "I didn't want to show you this, but you need to know the path you're on is not leading to a place where you will be happy," Two witnesses proclaim the Word of God "it's the truth, listen..." Then, to try to keep his hold on humanity and stop the truth, Satan kills the two witnesses....God intervenes, raises them from the dead, then brings them home on a cloud "See, I promised you eternal life if you follow me...I kept my promise... Satan killed my two faithful witnesses who trusted me and stood up to Satan in my name.... but I gave them back life...eternal life."
The demons in the Bible can't be killed by man. Man CANNOT DEFEAT GOD. The whole point of Revelation is that Satan thinks he can and of course cannot. If God sends demons to take souls off of the planet, it's going to happen whether you or I like it. But, again, if you look at the red text above, the demons ONLY leave those folks who don't repent, so they possibly serve as a clearing crew to reap saved souls AFTER the first wave, ie, the rapture..
*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussion🌈
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I've long contemplated the same reverse logic. Why would the devil enthusiastically follow the game plan laid out in Revelations, knowing ultimate and final defeat were inevitable? That is, unless it was all part of a grand universal plan of which the devil was a major play, an instigator, so to speak, to speed up separating the repentant saved from the unrepentant condemned; to wreak pain, death, and suffering on everyone, mixing the grand bowl of humanity that is, separating the good from the bad. Revelations is quite clear. No man, woman, or child may accept the mark of the beast and expect salvation. Even under threat of death, the mark cannot be accepted, only martyrdom and then salavation. Even pretending to follow the antichrist by accepting the mark to avoid execution will lead to damnation. It's going to be a tough row to hoe. But then again, not all Christians believe in Revelations as literal. The Roman Catholic Church accepts Revelations at the end of the New Testament but does not subscribe to its prophecies literally, but as the injunction to be spiritually and morally ready all the time for even Jesus of Nazareth warned that the end of times and the second coming would be total surprise to everyone. In Revelations there is a timeline laid out and the Second Coming is not a surprise to everyone. Christ never lied to people so which to believe? It's obvious. I had this religious/philosophical discussion with a colleague months ago. He believed the so-called, anti-christ was not one person, but a 'type', meaning there had been and still are a number of such persons of evil power and influence, past, present, and future, unintentionally or intentional, whose collective evil efforts over humanity over recent history, have fulfilled the prophecies of the singular anti-christ.
That's a very insightful post. Have you read Job? Where the devil tests Job? In the end, God is the creator of everything and this is his game. We are merely players required to come to his field And play according to his rules. Who is to say we all haven't been through this before during eternity? Hypothetical here...
Some people say, it would be mean and unmerciful for God to throw some of us into the Lake of Fire just because we are unwilling to submit to his authority. Well... hmmmmm...when the world ends, we can't stay here. But if we don't submit to his rules in heaven, then that would put us in charge of God in heaven, and that would make us God and not him God, and that would violate the first commandment. And there can only be one God in heaven. So, the only other alternative is for us to get thrown into the lake of fire. So, we have to choose to submit to God or the other alternative, ie, the Lake of fire.
The devil is called the Lord of the earth. And in Genesis, Satan was sent down to earth to rule the earth. But, as this movie depicts, hell is supposed to be really a lot worse than any of the torment we feel on Earth during our life. Therefore, for instance this movie shows that God opens the abyss to sort of give us a taste of what our options are. We can submit to God and dwell in bliss eternally or take the mark and get sent to hell. It's truly merciful that God would submit us to the demons on earth while we still have the opportunity to choose. But there's plenty of scriptures that suggests that it's all a big test. And why not? It's his earth and its his universe and it's his game. He gets to do what he wants with us we're his creation.
And, even in Revelation it talks about how at some point God puts it in their hearts to turn on the beast. Which gives you a clue that you're correct. God is always in control and has access to the hearts and minds of everyone. So he's only going to let the devil win to fulfill his purpose. And that is stated specifically in Revelation. Which circles back around to your point. Perhaps he does this to form our souls and to give us free choice but to see if we will make the right choice to come back to him. None of us know what this is all about. Good or bad, eventually, in the end, everything works for the benefit of God's Kingdom because God created everything... That's what I believe..
*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussion🌈
All of your beliefs and points are in line with most Christian belief and end-of-days eschatology. But being religious beliefs, we only have faith to go on. Our fundamental faith is the same, but the end-of-days and the Second Coming have long been up to dispute and debate in the details, not the happening itself. And it's long been cliched, "...the devil is in the details.", is it not? Pun intended.
I'm impressed you understand the little-understood concept of hell. Many Christians really don't understand it. They think hell actually exists now. But it doesn't. The devil and his followers were cast down to earth, where they roam. Desperate demons confirmed that in past cases of human possession. It's even confirmed in the New Testament, when two demons jump out from concealment at a local cemetery to accost Jesus as he is walking down a country road alone, at night. I know you know the whole story as the demons beg Jesus not to condemn them just yet to an early damnation. At the end of time, the real hell will be created and the devil and all of the earth-bound demons will be cast into it for eternity. I wrote earth-bound, because now there is Christian belief that some select devils and demons are already bound in unknown celestial dungeons, even possibly on one of the lower Heavens, if you believe there are seven levels of Heaven. That is not part of Roman Catholic theological belief because Rome doesn't have any real proof of what Heaven is and looks like. Unfortunately, Jesus didn't describe Heaven in detail while he was on earth two thousand years ago. Evidently, some demons and devils were so dangerous and went so out-of-control, that God took these demonic criminals out of circulation, much as human civilization incarcerates dangerous people who have committed particularly heinous crimes. These imprisoned fallen angels went rogue and did not obey God's Will to stand down and so have been imprisoned already. I don't know for certain if at the end of times these imprisoned fallen angels will be transferred to hell along with the rest of their kind. Probably. I understand your point. It is the Will of God's Plan that those humans (unfortunate to be on earth during the end times...hope it's not me and you but way into the future) must choose between heaven and hell by the stark, final, terrible choice of martrydom (most likely a bullet) or willingly following the anti-Christ, or refusing martyrdom by pretending to accept him. There is no alternate choice. Either die soon and quickly but live forever in Heaven or choose to continue existence on earth for however a short time there is and then follow the fallen angels into damnation.
Wow! You do know the big picture. Impressive. The begging Jesus demon thing? Is that when he sent them off into pigs to drown? If so, I'm going to go read that again now that you gave me new perspective after watching this movie as well.
That story has to be loaded with meaning especially in light of Revelation 9:13 where God allows demons out of the abyss to torment those remaining after the 6th seal, but after 1/3 of mankind is killed etc, those who STILL refused to repent went on to take the mark of the beast.
Why are pigs considered unclean in the Old Testament? Interesting how Jesus sends them to drown in the water after the demons entered them. He cleansed them (the pigs)? Maybe through washing.....after tricking the demons...I don't know... I'm gonna reread...
But you seem to have significant insight and logic. Why don't you join our discussions over at the God's Not Dead Board? Kurt Brian and Jan El Senor have traveled to Do You Believe? To discuss topics. But mustangguy and knight in black leather are really up on Bible history and analysis and are polite in debate as well. Some of the atheists are interesting to discuss topics with as well.
My focus (for trying to understand it) is Revelation because it is the only book which incorporates everything else in the Bible, kind of like a summary. But, I've also come to the conclusion recently that one of the confusing things about it is that St. John moves temporally and spacially in describing what he is seeing in this vision.
For instance, in discussing the War in Heaven and the Woman of the Apocalypse... he discusses how Michael cast down Satan who then made war on the offspring of the woman.... people suggest the woman is Mary or the Church, etc. Well, given that John is talking about a war in Heaven which resulted in Satan being cast down to Earth and a woman who was going to give birth to a son who would rule the Earth with an iron rod (Jesus) and therefore Satan made war with her and her offspring, to me, it seems John is seeing into the past at what happened before creation as a synopsis of what happened before Genesis and as possibly an explanation for Satan's war against man on Earth.
It was prophesied that Jesus would be eventually born as a messiah. But, if Eve was the first woman, he HAD to be (purely speaking) born of her lineage. Some people suggest that Cain and Abel were fraternal brothers and that Satan impregnated Eve with Cain and Abel was Adam's son. And that is part of the knowledge Satan gave to Eve. If so, this would not be the only time fraternal brothers were at war in the Bible... for instance Jacobs Ladder and the war between Esau and Jacob beginning in the womb with Rebbekkah.
But, in any event, once Cain went to war with Abel and killed him, he received THE MARK. That's kind of interesting. That's in Genesis. There's interesting theories on this as well. Not that I do or don't believe them... I just investigate and learn. . This article is good.
I Like to learn what other people think. Theories also abound that God sent the flood because he was trying to get rid of Satan's corruption of the human race through Cain's lineage. Genesis says that Noah was chosen among men for his purity, etc. To survive. Cain gets the MARK and is condemned to go on his belly like a snake. It seems compelling that he is the seed of the serpent.... Also, interestingly, Genesis says this about Cain and Abel.
Genesis 4:2
And again, she bore his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground.
Jesus is later called the Shepherd. Who protects his flock...BUT.... here's the catch.....
ALL THINGS are created by God. God seemingly sent Satan to test Job. And, in Revelation 9:13,.the demons are tormenting humans with a purpose.... maybe to act like Cain and "till the ground"??? Judas Escariot betrayed Jesus because IT WAS HIS NATURE to do so. Or was it? Do you know what a Judas goat is? It is a goat which leads sheep to slaughter in animal husbandry. Why goats? Goats don't listen, they chew fences, escape pens, are independent. Sheep follow, etc. The Bible says sheep sit at the right hand of God. Goats to the left and are not accepted.
Matthew 25:33
The Sheep and the Goats
…32"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. 34"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.…
Jesus also said
John 17:12
While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
. People believe this was referring to Judas Escariot. He was following in the path of Cain. The Apostles following in the path of Abel. Peter in denying Jesus 3 times following the path to redemption in Christ. Was Cain created to kill Abel to fulfill prophecy? Was Michael told to send Satan down to fulfill prophecy? Was Judas created to fulfill prophecy? Or did he have Free Will? Revelation talks about the book of life and the names in there before creation. Is it FREE WILL from our perspective but since God knows everything he knows from.before creation our choice?
Or were we created to win or fail? Either way, the First Commandment prevails. God is God...it's his plan and we are his to do his will.
All very interesting...you turned me on to a new path to investigate. Thanks.
*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussion🌈
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But, in any event, once Cain went to war with Abel and killed him, he received THE MARK
He got God's mark, as protection. Big difference there.
Theories also abound that God sent the flood because he was trying to get rid of Satan's corruption of the human race through Cain's lineage
Oh no, not at all. That's a fairly new theory, probably because nowadays we don't like to believe in the more 'fairytale' parts of the bible. God sent the flood because the human bloodline was corrupt, only Noah, his wife, his sons and their wifes were saved. It would be strange to send the flood over misbehaving humans. They sinned just as much after the flood. The flood wasn't needed to wipe out mankind, there were more sinister things going on. Noah was perfect in his generations. Scholars found that the original texts implicit genetically pure, though that's conjecture. The point is that the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards (Gen:6). They were the offspring of the fallen angels (Bene Elohim, a direct creation by God. The line of seth/cain was not. Only Adam was) and females. Gods who came down from heaven are recorded in almost every culture/religion. Look at the Greek titans. Satan's trick almost worked. Jesus couldn't be born out of that bloodline. Other ancient texts indicate the mixing of species, resulting in chimera's. God said every kind should reproduce after their own kind. That doesn't mean it's impossible to tamper with it. We don't know what kind of technology these fallen angels had.
Anyway, long story short: I'd advice you to look into the Nephilim. It's an amazing piece of scripture considering Jesus said the end times would be "like the days of noah". The Sethite/Cain theory tries to keep it as 'human' as possible, but is simply unbiblical and it takes the supernatural element out of the bible, on purpose. Up to the 19th century, almost every scholar/rabbi supported the fallen angel theory. Suddenly, it seems we thought "nah, can't be". We don't know how or what exactly happened. But it happened.
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Demons will be let loose from hell during the 3 days of darkness. It will happen at the end of this age. Not at the end of the world. There are seven ages of the Church/world that corresponding to the seven letters written to the Churches at the beginning of the book of the Apocalypse. We are currently at the ending of the 5th age. The age of apostasy.
There will be nothing you can physically do against the demons. You can try to hold up somewhere with windows and doors shut, but your survival is ultimately up to God.
Of course there's demonic monsters. They're called christians. The same christians that have lied, stolen, mistreated, murdered, tortured, raped, molested and pretended to care for the past 1600-1700 years.
Yes, they will at any moment. Watch out, keep alert! Well in the last 2 thousand years God seems to be happy and he didn't send the demons, but who knows...