Would they ever cover Live Aid?
Especially considering that George Segal was actually there:
Especially considering that George Segal was actually there:
They MUST, since Philadelphia was one of the venues.
shareI'd like to see them do it. I love George Segal.
~ Whoever said diamonds were a girls best friend never owned a dog ~
Interesting. I never knew some local channels covered. Thought it was just MTV. I don't think any of the local stations in my area did it.
shareThere were technically two separate broadcasts of Live Aid in the United States. One from MTV as you mentioned, and another from ABC. Well actually, the ABC network broadcast the final three hours (with Dick Clark hosting) of the Philadelphia concert. Orbis Communications syndicated the earlier portions of Live Aid on behalf of ABC.
I don't think there's a reason why they wouldn't acknowledge Live Aid...I think that happened in the 80s.
shareNot sure how they would do it though. Would it be them going to the concert in Philly? Or watching it? Seems like getting the rights to any music played would be problematic. I think it might be a bit too much. But yes that was a huge music event in the 80s. Biggest one there was.
shareThey should! I think that would be hilarious.
I watched that darn concert all day to see the Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath reunions. Whatever channel I was watching it on (MTV?) actually cut into the Zeppelin set with Bob Geldof PSAs and that ridiculous, absurd David Bowie & Mick Jagger "Dancing in the Street" video, which they kept running during the event continuously. Why? Just awful.
I haven't watched footage of Live Aid since then actually. Zeppelin was pretty atrocious, actually, but I remember Queen was amazing.
There would be licensing issues galore if they covered Live Aid. They haven't even covered "We are the World," yet...and there must be a reason for it. Have they even mentioned Michael Jackson or Madonna? Again, must be a licensing issue. Someone Adam's age in the 80s would've been a big Jackson fan, and certainly Thriller would've been something he'd try to recreate on videotape.
shareor Madonna
They definitely have talked about her and Erica has dressed like her as well. Had a Madonna reference in the 1st ep this season. Just no music if I recall correctly.
shareThey cut into the Sabbath set as well. The VJs were still talking and my brother was furious that they were taking so long to get to them.
shareLooks like you will get your wish tonight. It will be interesting to see how they do it.
shareThey covered Live Aid in the "George! George Glass!" episode. Murray's stubbornness over a parking spot caused Beverly to miss The Beach Boys at Live Aid. Most of the episode was about Adam creating a fictitious girlfriend and Erica creating a fictitious boyfriend.
I was hoping they would cover the US Festival. That was very '80s. But Live Aid took place in Philadelphia, very close to home.
Yes! The OP called it.
The US Festival was, what, '83? I doubt they'll cover it. Maybe a reference. They would have to reverse whatever vague timeline they have on this show perhaps a bit too much. It was also on the west coast, while Live Aid was in Philadelphia, making it a natural for the show. It was a really funny episode, I thought, although I wish they devoted a little more time to Live Aid.
And was US Festival broadcast? I know it was all filmed, but I don't remember it being shown on tv at the time. Maybe MTV showed it, which I didn't have then. I would bet a majority of Americans didn't have cable yet. I did have it by the time Live Aid rolled around though.
Believe it or not, 1985 was not the dark ages. A substantial amount of the population had cable, and Live Aid was indeed broadcast on television, as was "Farm Aid." Cable TV's been around in my area--which is rural Maine--since the early 70s, so by 1985 we'd actually entered the 20th century and even had MTV. Go figure!
The US Festival was in 85. And the timeline on the show isn't "whatever vague," it's totally vague, jumping from year to year willy nilly, sometimes within the same episode. But now that they've established that Erica's a senior and Adam's a freshman, they must work within those confines, which should be interesting. That means Erica will definitely be leaving for college next year, unless they revert back to 1982 or some other early year...except Erica will still look as if she's 22.
Well, it's easy for me to believe it wasn't the dark ages because I was there. US Festival was in '82 and '83. While I realize that cable has been around for a long time, much of the country did not have it quite yet. I had it by the time of Live Aid, so all I was saying was that I think in a lot of ways, Live Aid was more visible, culturally, than US Festival? Seemed that way to me, that's all. Just my opinion.
As far as the timeline on the show, it has largely been in the mid-to-late 80s realm, which is closer to Adam's actual formative years. Devoting a show to US Festival would seem to me to be somewhat of a reverse, even with the show's vague timeline. True, they may not care about that stuff at all. I'm just sayin.'
The US Festival was filmed. But I don't think it was broadcast. And there is a new documentary about it coming soon. Please click on
In some ways the US Festival was superior to Live Aid. The US Festival was several days long and featured more bands who played longer sets. But there are major logistical issues having a huge concert in the middle of nowhere that lasts several days. The heat was a major issue at the US Festival.
I grew up in North Jersey, about 70 miles north of The Goldbergs. I knew people who attended Live Aid. I don't know anyone who attended the US Festival 3,000 miles away in California. But everyone was talking about it.
I have attended well over 100 concerts, but never a multi-day festival concert. I think something like 300,000 people attended Woodstock '94. That is a large city. And there is no way to provide food, water and toilets for that many people in the middle of a field. I attended a lot of all day concerts at Sun Tan Lake in Riverdale, NJ. At the end of the day I was tired, thirsty and/or hungry. But I knew home was just a ten mile drive away. That makes a world of difference.
They did the US Festival in '82 and '83. '83 is the more famous version for sure. I am pretty sure MTV was there, but I don't think they showed anything though. The Heavy Metal Day has reached legendary status. All of those groups were heavyweights at that time (Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Judas Priest, Triumph, Scorpions, Van Halen). Ok maybe Motley Crue wasn't huge just yet. But they were on the verge. I would have loved to seen that day.
I don't think there is any chance they mention the festival or go there or anything. Adam tends to skewer toward the mid to late 80s anyway since he was born in '76.
I did wish they spent more time on Live Aid and gotten Pops involved in some way since the actor was in fact at Live Aid and introduced George Thorogood. It did annoy me that it was still light out when they left. I believe they should have had them there until darkness. Good to see Kevin from The Office again. But Beverly didn't know this was for Live Aid? I don't quite buy that. Tickets say it was at the stadium and all the publicity for this event. Come on.
I was Heavy Metal Day at the '83 US Festival. You're right about Motley Crue. As I recall, they were a last minute replacement, but I don't remember for which band.
shareLucky you. Great lineup for sure. I am amazed how much money Steve W. lost on those festivals. Van Halen got 1.5 mil. Wowser.
shareThat would have been awesome. I wish they would release more footage of that day. The Quiet Riot, Judas Priest and Triumph shows have been on DVD. I wish that Van Halen set would get an official DVD release. There's never been any vintage Dave stuff put out except for the videos. C'mon VH!
What were the conditions like there? It looked insanely hot and crowded. Of course, it's much easier to handle when you're young. Did you enjoy it?
They do have the full VH concert on youtube. Dave did miss some lyrics. Eddie missed some solos. They were either drunk or high. But still a lot of energy.
shareWe had a great time. I was 18 and went with my brother and his friend. We drove out to San Bernadino the night before. We were allowed into the concert area at 8am but the show didn't start until noon. It was a very hot day. If you've seen clips of the show, you've probably also seen video of the water cannons they used to cool us off.
It was a long concert. Van Halen didn't come on stage until almost midnight, IIRC. The best performance, IMO, was from The Scorpions. They were great. Other than Van Halen, the band I most wanted to see was Triumph. I don't know how many of you remember them or have heard of them, but they were pretty popular at the time. Unfortunately for me, my allergies flared up and I had to go to the medical tent for most of their set.
The crowd really loved Judas Priest. I vividly remember everyone rocking out to 'Breaking the Law'. The main thing I remember from Van Halen was DLR getting sprayed with water whereupon he responded, "Don't spray me with water, I'll *beep* your girlfriend".
I love Triumph. I hate when people call them the poor man's Rush. They are much more than that. I've been listening to Thunder Seven the last couple of days in my car. Great album. I've been hoping for some kind of reunion and new album. I guess they did reunite for Rik's new solo album for 1 song. I read one review where they said it was a disappointing album because it's been touted as his return to rock and he didn't rock enough. I think they said it's more bluesy.
Steve W is a huge fan of Triumph, so that may be the reason they got this gig. But Triumph is definitely a quality band. One band I never did get to see live. I got into them too late for that.
Speaking of Live Aid, do you remember Live 8? That's going back to my college years.
shareHey! That link goes to my video I posted! Thanks....