"Are we brothers, Francis?"
Just finished my second or third viewing of S01. I totally understand this isn't everyone's cup of tea, and much like The Wire, it takes a while to introduce all the characters and dynamics at play, but what a rich reward is waiting for those who gave it a couple episodes for them to develop.
I'm not a period piece or military/naval fiction enthusiast, though have enjoyed many, but as a horror fan who relishes the careful build up of dread, this detailed [account] of actual horrific events (with a twist!) has only gotten better each viewing. And the collective talent on screen elevates this incredible season above a simple "horror" label, and this from a true genre fan.
Finally, horror isn't a genre that often moves me to tears, but the scene quoted in the subject between Harris and Menzies just freaking kills me. "Then you are free. Mine your courage from a different lode, now." Cracking stuff.