
Mythos/Mythology = Word, transmission of knowledge, recording the
experiences of ancient people (before the use of writing).

Αs you can see, mythology is not some fairy tale, but the
verbal/metaphorical transfer of true events!

Unfortunately, the abuse of Greek history/mythology, is a continuous
crime committed by illiterate people worldwide.

And there are -God help us- so many!!!



I am probably 99% right, the μύθος (legend) associated with the linguistic root * mem - from where the words myo, mystic, mystery etc. The cognitive myths, ie myths contain knowledge elements.
First Omiros (Homer-8th century), then Pindaros (520 BC), Herodotos (480 BC), Aristotelis (384 BC), Diomidis and many more use the μύθος as knowledge, fact, advice, proposal.
Although Pindaros(300 years later than Omiros and before Platon),used once the word μύθος as "false word" in a poem of his.But you know how poets are.....! :):)
Many Greetings from Greece :);)
