MovieChat Forums > Atlantis (2013) Discussion > Why Does The Queen Never Change Her Clot...

Why Does The Queen Never Change Her Clothes?

I've been watching this show on BBC America and have enjoyed it so far.
But this has really been bugging me! Ariadne is supposed to be a QUEEN, so why is she always in that same blue dress?
I know they're probably on a tight budget lol, but it's little things like this that spoil an otherwise decent show.

Literally every episode she's wearing the same outfit and it doesn't make sense as she is a Queen,
who would have only the finest clothes and jewellery, and would not ONLY have ONE outfit to wear.
A very silly oversight in my opinion. Surely the BBC have access to more than one dress for this character?
She's literally wearing the same tired blue dress in EVERY scene!
I get the other characters are supposed to be poor, so you can explain away why they're always in the same clothes, but not Ariadne.

Go back and watch a few episodes and you'll notice what I mean, they need to vary her outfits as she's supposed to be a royal...


I'm sure she has plenty of clothing. But a lot of it is probably royal blue, the name of which is no accident. Maybe she's expected to wear the color all the time in her first year as Queen, or some such custom.

"Breadsticks. For the mouth part of your face."


I agree, King Minos was always seen wearing the same blue robes, so I'm wiling to bet there not the same outfit, its just there either traditional or ceremonial and they have several pairs. Don't forget the Monarch also has to do religious ceremonies as well.


It bothers me too; I guess they haven't got much money for costumes!


It definitely has to do with the budget, but surely it's an easy fix.
The BBC has access to lots of sets and costumes from their other television shows, surely they could use some clothes/jewellery from some of their other BBC shows? It's all about money, notice how most of the big battle scenes are at night, instead of during the day, so they don't have to do lots of big, wide shots that cost lots of money.

Many of the major expensive scenes are at nighttime/during darkness (notice how a lot of the monster scenes are at night? Whenever they discover something, or a new place, etc, it's almost ALWAYS at night. For example: The ugly sisters, the skeletons, the zombies all appeared at night, Pasiphaes attack on the city, the gang getting lost in Necropolis, the 3 guys being chased by the one-eyed giant and the royal convoy being attacked on the way to Aegina all happened at night) so that the special effects/CGI costs are kept to a minimum by using more simple techniques that are less noticeable under the cover of darkness.

All little tricks employed to save money.
However, the costume thing is just too obvious and distracts from the, otherwise great, show.
Even if they got some fabric from a thrift store! I'm sure those talented costume designers at the BBC could run up some dresses for Ariadne and the Evil (former) Queen for next to nothing. It's a silly oversight and I hope they rectify it. Don't even get me started on Jason's ridiculously short trousers that he's had from day one lol... I mean, damn... we get it, he's poor, but the guy can have at least two pairs of trousers can't he? lol... Jeez... And the perfectly, perfect, always sees the good in everyone and everything, pure as the driven snow Jason thing is getting a little stale now. Dude is BORING, he's humourless, he's ONE DIMENSIONAL. The writers need to switch it up a bit, ya know?
The musical score and supporting characters are great though.

It's a good show, could be great, but the aforementioned bad points stop that from happening. I really hope they tweak a few things to improve it.


In series 1, the royals seemed to change it up a little bit at least, while still keeping to the royal blue colour scheme. Now with series 2, I've notice a couple of different dresses for Ariadne, but largely the same ones. And Pasiphae... not only has she been stuck in two dresses, but the same jewelry in literally every episode. I don't think Medea has had a change of clothes either, poor woman!

I get they are sticking to certain colour schemes - Pasiphae's camp are all in shades of red and black - and I get that they're sort of "homeless" at the moment, but they really ought to have a wee bit more variety.

Other costume issues make me laugh out loud - when Ariadne's group was crossing the desert in daytime, she wore the brightest aqua dress and stood out like a sore thumb. When night fell, her protectors said she stood out too much, so instead of covering up, she stripped off to her "underwear", which was white and made her almost glow in the dark. Poor girl, it really is amazing she's still breathing! 

PS - don't get me wrong, I'm really NOT complaining - Atlantis is a bit cheesy, but I quite enjoy it anyway.  And, costuming issues aside, I think series 2 is proving to be MUCH better than the first one, in writing, staging, and acting!
A wodhes kewsel Kernewek?


If memory serves Morgana on "Merlin" didn't have a whole lot of wardrobe changes either. I seem to recall a dark green dress she wore a lot or something. I remember something always standing out. Seems like this is kind of the thing for BBC fantasy shows.


Except when she whips up a white wedding dress in the middle of a bloody forest!

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!
