MovieChat Forums > Game Night (2018) Discussion > What was your favorite/funniest scene? (...

What was your favorite/funniest scene? (Spoilers)

Mine was absolutely when she cuts him open and then finds the exit wound - I was laughing sooo hard...


I loved the bar scene starting with ordering that fancy drink from the bartender and then the three guys in child poses. loll


Can you find the scene on youtube and link it? I found the one where the three guys are lying on the floor, but not the one you are talking about...


I think he just meant the three guys were forced by Rachel McAdams into really awkward poses. She probably saw something on TV and was pretending to be the law enforcer and had them get on their knees with their hands up (I can't remember the detail but one guy even chimed in how ridiculous it was).

Now, I could be wrong and maybe that user above did see a different version of Game Night. Is there an Unrated Director's Cut out there?


Unrated director's cut. That would be fun. An already fun movie, on steroids.
