MovieChat Forums > The Boss (2016) Discussion > Forcible sodomy as a visual joke? This ...

Forcible sodomy as a visual joke? This is comedy?

Using girls in a street gang fight is beyond repugnant (at first I thought - hoped - it was going to be staged as some sort of West Side Story Sharks vs Jets parody) that then became outright obscene when McCarthy's character forcibly jammed cookies into her enemy's behind as the woman was splayed out in the street.

I have no problem saying I laughed at A LOT of the jokes in this movie - and hard if uncomfortably given that a family, parents & two grade school aged kids, were seated nearby - but anal rape as a punchline is sick.

I also winced - felt awkwardly uncomfortable for the nearby parents - at A LOT of the oral sex references in this movie - both spoken & mimed. Must be getting old I guess but even tho there are many young girls among the cast its target audience IS NOT kids. This script deserves a hard R.


I think she just stuffed cookies in the womans pants.

I don't think she was intentionally trying to stuff them up her a$$,
she would have needed better trajectory for that.

Though the woman did declare she might have a cookie in an orifice,
it was due to sheer luck. It would have required more finger dexterity
than was given in the sequence.

My biggest problem was the movie sucked.

Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that.


Yeah, cuz a West Side Stiry reference would be soo relevant to most folks today! How old are you? 85?


@ DarthKtulu -
Not quite THAT age yet, but getting there (and quicker every year bud. Careful amigo for you will too just saying.

And I'd like to think ALL of at least a high percentage of "smart" movie-goers irrespective of their years on Earth aware of West Side Story - kinda a well-known and "classic" flick, no?

Here's to peace & love and movie popcorn too.


I can understand when an older person such as yourself gets offended easier than younger people when watching movies similar to this one. That being said you also have to pay attention to the movie when you come here afterwards and make a post about forcible sodomy when it didn't even happen in the movie. She stuffed cookies in her opponent's underwear and smashed them at the same time. Melissa McCarthy didn't sodomize her with the cookies, and that isn't what the movie was trying to show. I hope you feel better now because just like you, nothing ruins a movie for me than a surprise forcible sodomy joke.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


Stuffing cookies down someone's pants is not "forcible sodomy" or "anal rape". Are you out of your mind? What the hell is wrong with you?



I am only glancing through these comments, but I am pretty repulsed. Jenny McCarthy is going to quickly become the next Adam Sandler. All of her movies are garbage. Vulgarity as comedy is just lazy and it doesn't work.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


You're just trolling right?
