MovieChat Forums > The Leftovers (2014) Discussion > Another series of wank-off crap from Dam...

Another series of wank-off crap from Damon Limpinoff

Against my better judgment, I started watching this show because I'm a sucker for stories that deal with "end of the world" scenarios...or even potential end of the world stories. This despite the fact that the no-talent hack Lindenhof was the "creative" force behind this show. I should have known better after enduring his crap finish to Lost, and his moronic contributions he made to the script of Prometheus.

So, just like Lost, once again we get a bunch of "ordinary" people dealing with an extraordinary occurrence, and a lot of resulting weirdness that transpires after said extraordinary occurrence.

But let's cut to the chase--at conclusion there are no answers given to WHY these things have happened. Yeah, a lot of fools are happy with the old "it's the journey, not the destination" you need to enjoy... Well, pardon me if I cut loose with a big Bronx cheer to that. It's my opinion that if you lead characters AND an audience watching those characters through 3 seasons of weirdness, you can maybe leave your characters in the dark as to why these things happened, but you need to at least give your audience an explanation for the weirdness. And we were given none, except some lame-brain final talkety-talk scene that all the 2% departed went to another "place" just like ours but were there alone. Well ok, then just where did all the people who had been living in that other place go to? And who or what was responsible? And WHY? And what about all the other bizarre crap that occurred, like characters being able to die and return from the dead repeatedly? And what the hell do resurrections have to do with a disappearance event anyway?

If asking these questions and not getting any explanations from this lame-brain show doesn't bother you at all, all I can say is that you're evidently starved for entertainment and will accept any moronic tale that comes across the airwaves just because you think it's "edgy" or "artsy."

There's a reason this show was ignored by Emmy and other award shows: it's ultimately a waste of time to watch all of it.


an 8.2 rating still


If you're on this site now, then you should have realized by now what a bunch of crap IMDumbee's rating system is.


Thanks for the honest review, you have proven my suspicions, so I'm definitely not going to watch it, or any other crap that will be written by Lindelof.


While I do agree with you about LOST (especially the last season was horrendous) because LOST was all about the twist and turns and why they were there etc., so there you would expect that the show would try to answer the questions it had raised a long the way... Which it in my opinon failed to do... (I still kind of wish someone would redo season 6)

I feel the a bit different about The Leftovers... Here I feel the incident (the 2%) is more in the background... I know it affects all that is going on... But it is more about how do you deal with something that cannot be explained... Most of the people in the show are broken and it is a very dark show... But I somehow never expected this show to answer what exactly happened and why... But more deal with how do we recover/move forward from such an event... So I actually ended up liking the Leftovers even the end...


its a great show



I really liked your post, I just started to watch this show, I didn't even know about it until recently because I don't have cable HBO tv and I found it on Amazon stream. I didn't know who the creator of this show was either and I never watched "Loss", to me regular tv shows are just lame but "Lost" was just felt it was for high school audience.

I just started to watch this show "The Leftovers" and I thought it was interesting, the way its put together, but I do also feel its mostly presentation and no content. For a second I was thinking of "Six Feet under" or it also reminded a little of the film "Magnolia", by Paul Thomas Anderson, I mean the style of the camera and editing and yet this series feels like its trying to imitate something to project depth but you keep wondering so WTF is this show trying to say? I mean I am just in episode 5 and I am trying to understand where this show heading to with these multiple characters. I like the cast and I have seen them in other great shows and they are all good in this show as well.

I like shows that have some depth and in all fairness and as David Lynch even said about his work, that the director does not have to spoon fed his audience, whatever they take away from what they see is up to them. I can't say this show is all bad and stupid, I do like characters like Kevin the chief so far, I don;'t understand what that group with white clothes are suppose to representing yet?, I like the dynamic and the conflicts of this show and it does have an energy to it but I am not yet that far into to judge it as someone like yourself who saw it to the end. But some times there are no answers for everything in any show you expect, if you saw Twin Peaks the new one, the ending left everyone lost, confused and even mad but maybe they were expecting a conclusion that made sense but most things in life don't make sense either.

To find shows with depth these days its really rare and almost like finding a gift.


Just get over your hate for Lindelof. You sound like a spoiled child.


Rather be a child than someone who watches shit and thinks it smells like perfume.


Are you 12 or what? Childish poster.


Why don't you just get over it?


You can't stop your tantrum about Lindelof. I have nothing to get over, you are the one who needs to stop whining.


I wrote five paragraphs of an argument explaining WHY I have an issue with this series, and Lindelof in particular.

You, however, have contributed NOTHING except to admonish me for being a child.

Hmm...I really wonder which one of us sounds the most mature?


To me, thoughtful critical arguments are valid and appreciated. Your 5 paragraphs seemed more trolling than anything of interest. Maybe you should explain yourself better and stop trying to scold and belittle others for liking the show. That is why your 5 paragraphs seemed more like a childish rant than something that I can take seriously from an adult.


Well pardon me all to hell that my post didn't meet your rigorous and exacting specifications of what should constitute a valid post. I'll take great pains and spare no effort the next time I post something on any board here to be sure I will satisfy "The Modica Standard."


OPs points were articulated well, all you've come back with is insults and yet you call the OP a child. Either reply to his points or shut up.


The OP's points were riddled with antagonistic, immature words that made me feel that he was only trolling and trying to start some kind of war with people who like the show. He calls Lindelof a no talent hack, which is funny because he watched Lost, so he must have thought that Lindelof had some talent while he watched the show. The OP tries to tell others who like the show reasons why they liked it; to me that is childish to tell others that they like the show because they are starved for entertainment. You don't know me or anyone else here. It is really presumptuous of you to make blanket statements about fans of this show. As I said before, someone who can give concrete reasons why they dislike something would be of interest to me, but to just call people who wrote and developed the show names and use antagonistic language is childish.


Antagonistic maybe, but I didn't see anything immature.

And if Lindelof is talented at anything it is at being a hack. Seriously, the man is the very definition of the word.

Lindelof's work - and that of his co-conspiritor, JJ Abrams - operates off the same basic principles as a cult: The promise of esoteric wisdom, only the answer to every question is another question, and the only way to obtain true enlightenment is with.... *money*. Then by the time people begin to realise they've been fooled the sunk cost fallacy keeps them trapped in the endless cycle. It's a bit like a mystery box ponzi scheme.

The pair of them are shameless.


I would say antagonizing others is pretty immature. Also, instead of criticizing his post seems more whiny than thoughtful. That is my take on it anyhow.


"Another series of wank-off crap from Damon Limpinoff"

You didn't see anything immature?


The OP was a bad combo of inarticulate and childish. He, and you, have long since left this site

Good riddance.


I particularly disliked this show, though it had its moments occasionally.

Also, it doesn't bother me that the "disappearing" was never explained. That the vanishings remain a mystery is ok, since it was just a backdrop for a character study in how people adjust and adapt and deal with tragedy in life.

And credit to the actors for doing a superb job.

Too bad their efforts were wasted.


It was a much better crafted story than Lost (and I loved Lost for most of it). It was a mature approach to an interesting idea. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did.


OP's hate reminds me of Shyamalan hate. Trend driven.


It was tighter because it was a cable show, Lost almost ran the entire length of the Leftovers in the first season. All that aside, I still feel like the characters in LOST were much more memorable/appealing than those on The Leftovers.
