MovieChat Forums > The Leftovers (2014) Discussion > A thought occured to me on the last epis...

A thought occured to me on the last episode...(spoilers)

I would have to rewatch it to pad out the thought some more, but is it possible that Kevin, Nora and Laurie are all in some other dimension because they all chose to go to their deaths?

We don't know if Nora was telling the truth about seeing her family again or even that Kevin attended her brother's funeral and spoke with his dad, other than the stories they both tell.

They are the only three that chose to end their lives for whatever reason are the only three that we see in the final episode. Just made me wonder if something was missed there because of that.


Well, they can't be in afterlife cause it was nuked and totally destroyed in the penultimate episode.

And if they are in a parallel universe (the one where 2% of population went), that would mean that Kevin and Laurie got there by killing themselves, but all the others including Nora went there by a sudden departure 7 years ago/or via that machine (Nora). That would make Kevin and Laurie the only two dead people among the living population.

The only way your theory would work was if they are in some sort of parallel afterlife, but that kind of afterlife was never mentioned in the series, so I doubt it exists.


Well, they can't be in afterlife cause it was nuked and totally destroyed in the penultimate episode.

Don't you think that was all in Kevin's head? I do.

I think one of the points of this series was to show that all of the religious stuff was just superstitious garbage. Kevin wasn't some magical Jesus, he was just a dude who had psychological issues and a very active imagination during his "spiritual episodes."


Possible, but the fact remains that 2% of population suddenly disappeared. That was definitely a supernatural event right at the core of the series. Everything after that event could be explained by two scenarios:

1. it was God's doing (i.e. rapture). If this is the case, then things that happened to Kevin afterwards were indeed supernatural and biblical

2. some sort of a natural phenomenon happened, gates of a parallel universe randomly opened and transported 2% of population into a parallel universe. In that case Kevin was just a dude who had psychological issues.

In neither of those two scenarios I don't see Kevin as dead in the final episode.


It was a "natural phenomenon" because scientists replicated it, as long as you believe Nora was telling the truth in the final episode. I do. It would go 100% against her character to lie about the #1 event in her life.

And I agree, Kevin wasn't dead in the final episode. He was very much alive along with Nora, living in Australia and probably engaging in Australian coitus at some point down the line. Kevin will have to be careful though, due to his heart condition. Nora may need to use a personal lubricant in light of her advanced age.


So descriptive.


Kevin died how many times? Does that sound like an active imagination to you? It's true, Kevin was not Jesus, but supernatural powers were given to him, don't you think?

I don't think the show was completely debunking religion because the possibility of people being taken away (rapture) is promoted as Biblical from some Christian Protestants as shown in the tv series, Left Behind. The show did not promote a scientific explanation over a religious explanation of the departure because there was no proof showing that.

The dude who played God, killed someone on the ship, and then was eaten up by a lion doesn't in any way debunk the existence of God, so I don't know where you came up with that one.

But I do agree, the entire show was about how the LEFTOVERS were coping with very unusual circumstances that entered into their lives. As you could see, for the most part, not very well. But it appeared to me at the end all of the main characters were moving on with their lives.......finally (7years later).


You can make theories all day long with this show but I choose to accept Nora's explanation. She was a straight shooter who always demanded the truth. Assuming a spirit and some kind of afterlife are true, I just don't see how these spirits could age after they died. Their bodies have decomposed but their spirits live on in a body-like state and age like regular bodies? Nah.


Trying to make sense of or have a serious conversation about this show ... it's contraindicated! ;-)


That's what we're here trying to do. Discuss and make sense of the show. Share theories. It is a tough nut to crack I'll give you that. But that's part of the fun.


That's what we're here trying to do. Discuss and make sense of the show. Share theories. It is a tough nut to crack I'll give you that. But that's part of the fun.
