I love Matt's episodes

Whenever an episode is solely about Matt it never fails to be great. I loved the episode in S1 where he was trying to get money to save his church, but the episode in S2 when he gets essentially locked out of town with Mary is without a doubt my favorite episode of the series. You really feel for Matt in that episode and see how much he truly cares for his wife.

Christopher Eccleston is such an amazing actor and never fails to steal the show when he's got his own episode.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


Whenever an episode is solely about Matt it never fails to be great. I loved the episode in S1 where he was trying to get money to save his church, but the episode in S2 when he gets essentially locked out of town with Mary is without a doubt my favorite episode of the series. You really feel for Matt in that episode and see how much he truly cares for his wife.

Christopher Eccleston is such an amazing actor and never fails to steal the show when he's got his own episode.

Never really thought of him as "having-and-episode"; but, nevertheless, I love the character.

All Matt scenes are great; but my favorites are in the episode where he comes to rescue/be with Kevin after Patti killed herself at that cabin in the woods.

Eccleston is such a believable, natural actor.

Not for nothing did he get Best Supporting noms for both seasons of the show!

"This moment was always looking for me."


I thought the season one episode was better. I practically cheered when he beat that robber's head into the ground. The Season 2 one was still good but it felt like a bit of retread.

Remember when I promised to kill you last?


I agree as well. Those two episodes stand out. ?
