
So Kevin had enough time, the night the girls disappeared, to fall asleep, get up and sleepwalk to the old man in the trailer, have conversation, then walk to the resevoir with a cinder block, and do ALL that before the girls get there?! I don't think so :(


So Kevin had enough time, the night the girls disappeared, to fall asleep, get up and sleepwalk to the old man in the trailer, have conversation, then walk to the resevoir with a cinder block, and do ALL that before the girls get there?! I don't think so :(

1. What was the timeline?

2. What is it about the "timeline" that makes you think it was not doable?

"This moment was always looking for me."


The girls obviously didnt go straight to the location in question.


The girls obviously didnt go straight to the location in question.


I think that's pretty obvious...

Especially since the quake that woke everyone to the girls' absence and saved Kevin's life happened 2am-3am (can't remember the exact time).

Going by the time The Garveys left The Murphys (same time as the girls) and Evie's 11:00 curfew, it would appear that quite a few hours passed before Kevin and the girls 'met' at the lake.

So, what are we talking here, 4-5 hours, plus? Surely, more than enough time for Kevin to do whatever he did AND still get to the lake in time to see the girls "depart".


Of course, it would help if instead of just making the statement, the OP had added the timeline elements they are talking about.

"This moment was always looking for me."


It's a tv show, it's purely for entertainment.
