MovieChat Forums > The Leftovers (2014) Discussion > Throwing rock throuth the window?

Throwing rock throuth the window?

Nora throws a rock through the Murphy's window. I think it is later that night or the next day, Erika throws a rock through the Garvey's window. To my knowledge, nothing is ever said about this. Can anyone explain this? I also don't understand why Nora purposely knocked the coffee cup off the table way back in the second episode.

I just re-watched that scene to make sure I wasn't imagining things and it made me wish that Aimee comes back for S3.


Nora is invested in not being the cause of departures near her.

When the scientist approaches her about the idea, Nora concludes that Erika (who's still standing on the porch) sent him over (which she did -- but for a different reason).

Nora throws a rock thru Erika's window as a passive-aggressive retort.

Nora seeks out the questionnaire to confront Erika to disprove that a departure actually occurred.

After turning the tables in that confrontation, Erika connects that rock to Nora's doing.

Erika returns the favor by throwing it thru her window.

Glass houses. Get it?


That explains it, I have always questioned that scene, glad I could get over it now. thank you!


Nora throws a rock through the Murphy's window ...

Nora purposely knocked the coffee cup off the table way back in the second episode. made me wish that Aimee comes back for S3.

Nora definitely has ISSUES.

She also RIDES the FAKE BODY at the CONVENTION ...

and has a HISSY FIT when she was given a GUEST BADGE ...

which meant she wouldn't get to be the CENTER of ATTENTION the way she wanted to be ...

for wearing the other BADGE that indicates she'd LOST more people than most other people had during DEPARTURE DAY.

Then she also gets JEALOUS of the other guy who WROTE the book saying HIS PARENTS were OLD and shouldn't count as DEPARTURES.

And she also hires prostitutes to shoot her, etc.

So YES having AIMEE back could be interesting, but it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY KEVIN'S daughter would let her move back in with them again, because AMIEE also had some MAJOR ISSUES of her own as well.

And KEVIN'S daughter also feels AIMEE USED HER as a way to SEDUCE her father.

And One also suspects that Nora and Aimee might have the SAME ISSUES.

Because NORA LOST her parents as a young girl, and AIMEE wanders around from house to house HOMELESS, as if she also has no parents.

So they both also seem to have some MAJOR ABANDONMENT ISSUES (which is probably also the reason why AIMEE recognized the way NORA behaved and suspected that she may have MURDERED her FAMILY).

Wonder whatever happened to those people who wanted to BUY her HOUSE so they could do some RESEARCH on it???

Wonder if they ever found out anything interesting while doing their RESEARCH???

Or did NORA sell the place to someone else???


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Nora definitely has ISSUES.

She's possessed by the demon Azrael!



Yes that too!!!

But she probably also has some other ISSUES as well???

Wonder how the HOUSE caught on fire the night when her parents died???

Do you think she may have had something to do with it???

Remember how she STOLE the FILE from the BRIEFCASE of the man who sat in front of her and then pesters the woman next door to her by asking her questions from it which then leads to throwing things through the WINDOW ???

Nora definitely has a DARK SIDE.

Maybe she's NOT POSSESSED by someone like BOB from TWIN PEAKS, but she's definitely got something go on that's brewing there inside of her.

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