What a dreadful movie that was. [spoilers]
1. Brosnan's acting was painful to endure. I haven't seen his Bond movies yet, but in this particular movie he's done a really bad job, unless he was supposed to play an idiotic twat.
2. Well connected millionaire with smart house, smart car and smartphone isn't smart enough to secure himself and his properties from loonies like Ed. And he doesn't have bodyguards stationed at every inch of that smart house of his.
3. Cameras everywhere in the house, bathrooms included, connected to the internet, without any sort of manual cover for said cams. Just, no.
4. Ed's character was cut out of Hollywood's Book of Stereotypes, glued with glue stick and slapped happily onto the big picture.
5. Showing the process of hacking as green text on black background. We're two decades past Matrix, please stop.
6. Regan's daughter was a horrendous *beep* Very good portrayal of a spoiled little rich girl who first makes eyes at typical predator and then is surprised and blames her father for it. "You let him into the house!". No, skirt, you have tried to let him into the house and family and perhaps into something else and old man tried to warn you.
7. Wifey ain't better. Instead of forcing her brain cells to work and devise some kind of plan, she cries and tells him to fix the mess HE apparently made by telling a creep to stay away.
8. Ed coming to the house with his *beep* lit up was just pathetic. And where did the cops come from?
I think the only highlight of that crappy movie was the older IT dude. His character was also full of *beep* but at the same time I did enjoy man's acting and his soothing and calm confidence, so there's that.
Overall, 1/10 because of the older dude.