MovieChat Forums > Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Discussion > This Movie Started Okay But Then Got Stu...

This Movie Started Okay But Then Got Stupid

I liked the first third, when it seemed like Agent 47 was evil and all that jazz. That part of the movie was interesting and I was curious to see where it was going to go.

**Spoilers Ahead***

Once it was revealed that Agent 47 was the "good guy" and John Smith was the "bad guy" the movie just got downright stupid (or maybe I should said, stupider).

John Smith magically gets stronger than how he was when he first fought Agent 47, which made no sense at all. And then 47 magically gets weaker when facing off against Smith. Oh man did this movie get dumb. And then magically 47 can't do certain things without help from Katja or Katya or whatever her name is. It's like ugh...

It's an obvious turnaround from the damsel in distress role that the one girl played in the first film but man was this movie so stupid. Just wow.

Story wise it had a lot of potential but a lot of the plot just didn't make sense and the ridiculous over-the-top silliness just made it dumb. Also, if they could make John Smiths they really didn't need to create Agents. So stupid.


I think their goal was to create an entity with the best traits of both John Smith and the Agents. The dad says that Smith may be strong, he's not as smart as the agents are, which is why 47 beats him in the final fight. Also, I think it was ambiguous whether 47 was asking Katya, or testing her.
