Subdural titanium skeleton
Subdural titanium skeleton... Lol what a rip off from X-men..
By the way, I'm sure 47 could have just shot Syler in the eyes with his precise aiming. No titanium blocking his eyeballs.
Subdural titanium skeleton... Lol what a rip off from X-men..
By the way, I'm sure 47 could have just shot Syler in the eyes with his precise aiming. No titanium blocking his eyeballs.
My thoughts exactly. I hoped for a knife in the eye. Or break the neck or choke him to death. Also X-Men had Adamantium and it has a nasty side-effect. Wanna know <1>
"The end is not the end, but for the beginning an end is always near."
Subdermal. And armor, not skeleton. Has absolutely nothing to do with X-Men, it's an old cyberpunk trope. An by the way Wolverine shrugs off damage because of his regeneration, not his skeleton.
shareCyberpunk was the first thing I thought of, especially when he mentioned he also had "wired reflexes"!
The film felt more like The Terminator or Deus Ex than Hitman, between the super advanced cyberware, ridiculous and un-assasin-like body count and over the top action scenes.
And traditionally, Hitman changes clothes more times a day, than a fashion model. But I don't really know if I want to see that in a movie or not.
sharespoilers: judging by the last scene, the eys thing wouldnt have helped.
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
X-Men doesn't have subdermal armor, idiot.
Also, like someone already said, subdermal armor has been sci-fi trope for a long time, before *beep* cartoons like X-Men.