This or Man from UNCLE

I'm in the mood for mindless stylized fun. I don't care if the plot is terrible or if it isn't true to the games. Is the movie fun? I'm kind out curious as to how it could get such low reviews if all the movie has to do is string together some action set-pieces with a man in a suit.

Given that I just want a competent mindless action movie, should I watch this or UNCLE?



I watched Both, and I can say I enjoyed UNCLE way more then Hitman 47.

Uncle = Fun, and characters are fun to watch.

Hitman = mindless fun.


Uncle is a thousand times better than this shît storm.


Even gay porn from Albania is better than this shyte sandwich.


Albanian gay porn is being unfairly persecuted in this comment.

Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o-clock this afternoon... with nail polish.


if u ever find gay porn from albania let me know.because im pretty sure there is none.


Meh. They're both about the same. A47 is less realistic in its action sequences, but the stunts and FX do impress a lot more. Uncle has a mildly better, though rather disappointingly pedestrian (very 60s-era quality spy-film plot) storyline. The only thing missing is a 35yo Sean Connery or Richard Johnson***.

And I have to say, the scenery in Singapore where much of the HA47 film takes place is pretty interesting. Lots more so than any of the scenery in Uncle.

OTOH, Cavill and Hammer are more interesting characters, just in the nature of things.

But Quinto balances that out by being a better primary bad guy.

I guess the chief question is -- do you like your spy action vaguely realistic, or more impressive in terms of stunts and FX? Uncle if the former, HA47 if the latter.



The man from uncle


I haven't seen either and probably won't be doing so at the cinema. I'll save them for later. But if it was my choice I'd pick UNCLE.
You're choice isn't based on plot or acting, but on a bit of fun. So you may as well add 'eye candy' to that list and go for the beauty (and talent) that is Alicia Vikander.
That's why I'd pick UNCLE over Hitman.

And if she's not to your taste, Hitman has one male lead, UNCLE has two. Nuff said. 


I agree with all the people who say the Man From UNCLE is a better film. I have a feeling that Hitman will get a lot of Razzies during the awards season.

I saw them both and this one seemed generic and the plot was dull. Nothing new to it at all. UNCLE was visually stimulating through out. If you blurred out the characters faces and costumes on both and played a 30 second clip from each movie, UNCLE would be identifiable as UNCLE but you would never guess what movie the Hitman clip would be from, it blends in with all the other movies of this kind of spy genre, it doesn't stand out in a good way. You are never surprised in this movie.


Both are awful *beep* If I didn't get into the theater for free both times, I would have felt ripped off. Just embarrassing that large studios still release things like this.


Go create your own goddamn movie, stupid *beep*.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

CLassy, sharp and fun, with great performances from the leads, it is a real shame that UNCLE is doing so poorly at the box office. Action is fun, humour is spot on more often than not, and there is a sleekness and wit to proceedings that makes it a joy to watch.

Video games rarely translate well to the screen, and Hitman is no exception. Poorly directed action and CG, with obvious stunt doubles, with drearily dull exposition-laden dialogue in between each set-piece. Not just mindless, but soulless too. Here is an excellent video review of Hitman: Agent 47 which captures what I am trying to say pretty well. (

And that's all I have to say about that.


The Man From U.N.C.L.E. for sure. It's not mindless, but it's the most entertaining movie I've seen all year. Tons of fun from start to finish. On the other hand, this might be more mindless but it looked pretty bad.
