Emilia's Acting.....

I really don't understand the acting choices she made with this character. There were multiple times during the film where I legit thought she was playing the role of a mentally handicapped person. The birthday gift giving scene was some of the worst, most awkward acting I've seen in a long time. I swear it seemed like even the other actors were embarrassed for her.

Outside (shoot even inside) of GoT Emilia's acting leaves MUCH to be desired, but this is probably the worse I've seen her. I don't understand why the director/producers didn't try to steer her in a different direction. I mean the character is a bit silly in the books, but I never felt like she was Arnie Grape's brain twin.


I know, she was pretty annoying I couldn't believe it was real, it even looked unnatural, very forced acting, I hated her from the very beginning.


It makes me sad to read your opinions on the gift giving scene, this is exactly what it's like at any gift opening event in my family, you put on a brave face and except gifts gracefully (even if you don't like it) and get giddy at the silly little things that remind you of a good time, like the Clarke family in this movie I grew up in an unwealthy setting, but we were rich in family and would always aim to make the best out of a bad situation, lou (amelias character) lead a very sheltered life and her family were her best friends, she has a kind heart and is left slightly naive due to the small town and wanting to take care of her family!

Honestly I saw a lot of my own life in her story (home life) and found the acting quite accurate for a small town family with a lack of wealth... Ps my story has a happy ending, I traveled the world and earned my way in life, I am proud of who I am and won my husband over with my positivity, optimism and enthusiasm for life, I am ditzy and clumsy but am educated and well balanced... Just because someone doesn't fit the expected mould doesn't mean they can't do great things!


I disagree and think her acting was actually wonderful. She wears her heart on her sleeve and for this, Will loves her for it. I know many people who act similarly to her and I used to think it was exaggerated as well, but I realized they're just living in the moment and enjoying life (whether good or bad); they soak it all in and feel every minute of it. Lou was happy most times, serious when she needed to be, and she wasn't afraid to tell Will off either; it made for great reactions from Will, too.

And the bumble bee tights, I thought was seriously hilarious that she was so happy. I mean, she said it herself to Will - "Did he ever love anything so much?" I'm sure this is a reaction anyone would have from pure happiness and joy. And she laid it all out on the screen for us to feel as well.


Her acting was also lovely in my book. She displayed the same jolly attitude, charm and likability that the novel version of Lou has. I could feel her joy and pain as she went on this life adventure with Will.

Adoring Haley Reinhart. Buy her "Listen Up" and "Better" albums.


Hollywood has two stereotypes of Christians it likes to portray - both negative, but one worse than the other.

The first is the "intolerant bigot" who uses God to justify their "hateful" and rigid beliefs.

The second is the overly optimistic but ultimately stupid and ignorant of the facts of life simpleton.

It's easy to see which one they used for Lou and her entire family (although the mother is shown to be a mixture of the two). Lou is basically a smiling idiot who thinks quadriplegia is a condition you get over after a few months of rehab.


I agree. I thought it was some of the worst acting I've ever seen. She kept driving me crazy with weird eyebrow and facial over acting. It took away from every scene she was in for me. It was so weird. My girlfriend noticed it too. In fact really any time where she was supposed to show any type of emotion, be it sad or happy or excited, it all came off bad to me.


I agree.


One reviewer got it right when he compared her to Tigger. Constant mugging and "aren't I so Cute?"


Disagree, she played a character and nailed it. The scence when Will tells her he going full Kevorkian is the only one I think should've been done better.


I thought she was adorable. Easy to see why someone would fall in love with her.
