
Emilia Clarke's eyebrows are crazy expressive, to the point of being distracting.


Yes. Really took away from the film. They are awful.


Also the soundtrack is absolutely cringe-worthy. Just through in every popular song from 2015 and see how it goes! Yuck


I wasn't all that distracted by her eyebrows, but I was thinking the same thing about the songs! Some of them were nice, but there were some odd choices in there...I love Ed Sheeran as much as anyone, but I got the feeling they were trying to insert his song "Photograph" into every emotional or romantic scene. When I think Lou and Will, I don't think Ed Sheeran...and I wasn't convinced.

Also there are some rather misplaced references to American music that I found a little interesting. Not like Jay Z isn't known in outside of the US, but when Lou is suggesting an evening of Mozart? It's a bit out of context.


I wonder if they had a seperate contract and dressing room


She has them on loan from Peter Gallagher.


Hahahaha yes I thought that too... Remind me of these cartoons where you just see the eyes and you have to guss all the emotion by the eyebrows expressions. She's beautiful thought and I love her facial expressions.


Yes. This was the only reason that I did not love this movie. Do not what happened here. I love Emilie Clark on Game of Thrones. Dany is a total bad a$@. But here, the facial expressions were too much to handle.


I think Roger Moore was the acting coach in this film.

It's that man again!!
