The Ending

Personally, I was positively thrilled by the ending and found it very true to the story and the characters. It was my favourite part of this film that imo celebrates love, life, personal freedom and acceptance. The question of the people left behind is of course very important, but I believe it was delt with very rationally and honestly. I am of course in no way saying that my view is the only legitimate one, but I should hope it's far from unique. Also important, it's one film and one particular story, so don't make too much of a fuss over it. I'm just glad these issues are being raised and (again, rationally) discussed.

"The boxed stuff doesn't get better with age." (Supernatural)


I really wasn't expecting it. These sort of movies always end happily so when it didn't, I started sobbing uncontrollably for like 5 minutes. I personally feel that he was shallow. There is more to life than being physical. It would have been a true testament to love if he had took a leap of faith and allowed Clark to show him how to love in this new life. He hung on to memories of the past and refused to see if he could make memories that he would be fond of in the future.


I personally feel that he was shallow. There is more to life than being physical. It would have been a true testament to love if he had took a leap of faith and allowed Clark to show him how to love in this new life. He hung on to memories of the past and refused to see if he could make memories that he would be fond of in the future.

He explained all of this to Clark. He was frustrated and the truth is, that frustration was NEVER going to go away. Nathan also talked to Clark about how he hid his pain when he was with her. It's a complicated issue. Yes, he was happy with Clark. She made him happy and vice versa, but it was never going to be enough for him. He was also worried that it would eventually not be enough for her. He didn't want her to grow to resent him or be bitter about their situation, which happens all the time, sadly. He did it just as much for himself and he did to for Clark. He wanted to set her free. He wanted her to explore the world. To learn and to grow.
