It's a very delicate matter.
It's not a question of what was "feasible" and what wasn't, the male character did not want to be with a woman and not be able to be physically with her in the way he wanted to be, he had severe limitations and lived those limitations as a constant reminder of what he was not anymore, sex is a mental thing as well: if a man feels "useless", if he feel "half a man " there's no way he can be with a woman in a relationship and be happy or make her happy, even he loves her and she loves him. He clearly stated that he even feared one day she would eventually feel regret or pity.
Will felt dignity deprived since the accident, he could not accept it.
PS: in the movie he asks her to stay in his room, and they kiss. It doesn't happen in the book where the storm scene is different ( and better ), in the book she kisses him on the beach for the first time, he responds and then he backs off and tell her he can't be with her.
"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"