MovieChat Forums > Me Before You (2016) Discussion > I really really wanted to like this film...

I really really wanted to like this film, but... was all too shallow, phony and pat, for me. My problems, all of which should be prefaced by "in my opinion":

1. A COMPLETELY predictable story, with not one surprising turn of events;

2. The unending very expensive fashion show by a girl who supposedly doesn't have two nickels (shillings, for you Brits) to rub together. Yes, I know she's supposed to have quirky tastes, but this was like a bad acid flashback, and really a distraction;

3. The unending display of toothy smiles no matter what the situation, especially at the ending. She does have great teeth, though.

4. The obligatory annoying self-interested boyfriend, who NOBODY could love. How stupid is this girl? And just when I'm thinking that at least she's not sleeping with him, they show her sleeping with him. I repeat: HOW STUPID IS THIS GIRL?

5. The completely insipid sound track. Don't get the main emotion in the scene? Here, listen to this.

So just when you thought I was totally negative, I liked:

1. The chemistry between the leads. The movie didn't fail from a lack of charm between them, but for a lousy script, and poor art direction (see comment about the dresses, above.)

2. Nathan, the trainer. The only one who exhibited an ounce of genuine emotion and sympathy. Really, a cool guy.

3. The scenery. At least there was something pretty to watch, while the story tried so hard to be involving.


very expensive fashion show

It was??
All her clothes looked like she got them at a flea market.


I guess the flea markets I go to are expensive.


I don't know what that response means, but all her clothes looked to me like she paid a few dollars for each item. Maybe the coats were $15 or something.


It means that I thought they were avant garde designer stuff. Admittedly, I'm no expert, so maybe I'm wrong, but, man, there was a different outfit every 30 seconds, no repeats, and nothing that would come close to casual. Even at flea market prices, she would have had to spend mucho dinero on clothes, and they went out of their way to say that every cent she made was vital to the family coffers. The mood was funereal when she lost that bodega gig at the front of the movie.

PS In addition to coats, there were sweaters that looked (to me) pretty pricey.


Vintage stuff is really cheap, you can buy a whole outfit for like eight dollars. People are not willing to pay "mucho dinero" for old used clothing.


Well, like I said, perhaps you're right, but this was just one of the elements I discussed that made the movie ring hollow and manipulative to me. Of course, this sort of plot is not new, so it's a difficult task to avoid the pitfall of seeming derivative. It often relies on the appeal of the main characters to pull it off, and, as I also said, they tried very hard, and almost did it.

PS Loved the red dress. Gorgeous. Now don't tell me that was flea market.


Well, okay, I'll bite: why was the girl stupid to have sex with her boyfriend?

In fact, why did you think that they weren't having sex in the first place? They'd been together for 7 years. 


Not stupid to have sex with him, just stupid to even be with him. I thought he was so self-involved and insensitive, and she seemed to feel the same way. Not only that, but he was a physical fitness maniac, and she couldn't even keep up with him on a bicycle, and hated to even do that. As for sex, I just think I found him repulsive and consoled myself with the notion that sex was not in the picture...until it was.

On re-thinking, though, I have to amend what I said about no surprises. The "textbook" ending would have him change his decision to end it all. However, as has been mentioned in other posts, even his passing was not enough to wipe that perpetual toothy smile off her face.


I just got one question for you, JW-7. You must have a boyfriend, husband, whatever? Well let me ask you this: Is he perfect? Of course not. He probably has a habit, a character flaw or even something as simple as a birthmark that you do not like, right? Well if you were to post an opinion about him, would you give it the same title, just because he has a blemish here or there? Of course not! Because you like him, "warts" and all!

Well then, for the love of God, don't come here and tell me that you didn't like this movie because one of the main characters had a complex wardrobe and smiled a lot. You didn't like it simply because it wasn't your cup of tea. If it was, you, like myself, would have forgiven its flaws and I would not have had to write an extra long post, just to make myself feel less like a moron and a simpleton for loving the film, despite its shortcomings!

P.S. Emilia Clark's smile is so exquisite, I simply cannot imagine a world where anyone would want to see less of it in a movie.

"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid."


Calm down, Lev. Allow me to point out a couple of things:

1. I did not say I didn't like the film because of one little thing. I mentioned several things that I said I felt were shallow, inconsistent and contrived, for which reason it didn't grab me. Not my cup of tea? Not really. I love this kind of movie, just not this one. Despite that,

2. I did point out things I liked about it, and there was a lot to like. The leads were charming, most of all. I can understand why you liked it. So mine wasn't the typical iMDB "this film sucked" troll post. I don't do that.

3. I started off by saying "in my opinion", meaning if you loved it, great! I have no beef with that, and I certainly never intimated that only idiots would like it. An exchange of views is healthy, but my opinion was my emotional reaction, not a literary film critique. I too get kind of upset when I read "worst movie ever" or "horrible film" about a movie I loved. But, to repeat, that's not what I said.

Emilia is totally different from the Kalisi, where she never smiles. And yes it is a brilliant smile, just (I felt) emotionally tone deaf in a large part of this film, especially at the end.

PS There was a somewhat similar British movie a couple of years ago about a Black African who takes a caregiver job for a quad. Can't recall the name, maybe you do. Now that one grabbed me by the cojones. (LAspeak for 'nads.)

Are we friends again?

PS No husband or girlfriend, but I do have a wife, and thank God, she is perfect.


If someone's angry, "calm down" is probably the worst sentence you can write them. Luckily I'm not... today anyway.

It's just irksome when people expect too much from a movie of this caliber and (in most cases) end up criticizing it because it didn't live up to expectations it was never meant to fulfill.

The harsh realities of life and the high standards of quality cinematography are not heights this movie (or rather the vast majority of films these days) manages to live up to. The only difference between our verdicts is that I suspected that going in, so it didn't bother me enough to dislike it.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that, despite my earlier rant, I do respect your opinion, understand why it is such an opinion that you've formed and respectfully disagree. And I'd share a peace pipe with you any day :P.

"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid."


The title you're looking for is "Intouchable", and it's French, not British.


Yes, that's it! Thanks. Wonderful film.


I don't feel like either of you read the book, but I feel that the movie left out the emotional attachments that people are suppose to get when they watch a movie. It is explained that Patrick wasn't always that way, but actually a fun guy to be around when they first got together then after a few years of being together he started on this fitness journey and Lou just went along with it because she was comfortable. That is until Will opened her eyes.


I haven't checked if anybody has answered these questions but since I could answer the first few, I think I could answer the rest.

1. Well there was a twist in terms of the suicide bid and also the choices they make during the story. Will he commit suicide or not? It wasn't known.

2. In the UK (like many countries) we have charity shops, second hand rag markets, vintage stores which are all like thrift shops. That's where you get these items from and that's where people who dress like this get their clothes.

3. She was a quirky girl. That's why she smiled a lot and as had been illustrated she had to deal with a lot of disappointments but just carried on.

4. I don't think the boyfriend was that self interested. I think he was fine. The point was she fell in love elsewhere at the opportunity to move on.

5. Music sounded fine to me.

Each to their own though. We don't all watch and appreciate films the same way.


True enough. Agree to disagree. No big deal.


Compared to most 2016 movies this rates highly in my book. Man Hollywood produced a lot of rubbish last year and this is one movie that shone above the rest.

I am not saying it is the best but it had enough to overcome any aforementioned flaws. I just wish others could watch a movie for what it is regardless of flaws. Heck even the aforementioned crappy movies I will watch once at least to give it a chance.

But like you said everyone has their opinion and has a right to it. I really liked this movie.


I think these days people look for the wrong flaws in films and they are usually what they would refer to as "technical" flaws. One major flaw people express and explain is "plot" flaw. Then another is the "why was x doing that for" which is alongside the "this film didn't make any sense".

I don't think people go to the cinema to "escape" anymore and to escape you have to lower your guard a lot. I bet though, in the past, they didn't have a guard. These days, people expect far too much and want perfection and if they don't get it, it is a personal slight, like they have been attacked. When you think about it though, in the world we live in today, that makes sense.

We have a lot to be disappointed with today. THat's not because we have less, but we have too much. We have so many things that say, "this will fix you" that we are constantly left let down.

Everything is brilliant but since we have been left in a state of wanting grand amazing things from everything, we are left confused so, then, so much is just not as good as we are able to see it as.
