
It is a real shame that the previous oscars had to be made into a racial issue. Based on the trailer you'd have to think Denzel and Vioal Davis are going to feature come oscar season. Unfortunately due to the (imo a bit ridiculous) #oscarssowhite controversy last year, people are going to claim they are getting nominated/winning just to please the politically correct.


Have you seen anything Denzel Washington is in???


Or that Viola is in? If they are nominated, which they will be, they deserve it. They are at the top of the game when it comes to acting and respected among all actors and audiences regardless of color.


People always think anytime a black person wins anything or earns anything it is because of politics or affirmative action, Ironic coming from them but anyway who cares what they think?

Ignorant people and racists have the right to be who they are.


Denzel and viola are two of the best actors in activity today.
