Looking forward to this one.
This looks like it will be another great film, from one of my favorite actors. Denzel, to me, is one of the best actors in Hollywood, and I have yet to see something from him that I didn't like. I find the subject matter of this movie to be compelling, and I love a good character-movie. I just wish the racists would shut up and go home because it really doesn't help anyone or anything.
Movies are supposed to be an escape. A break from the day to day problems of the real world. They can be a glimpse into history or a hilarious adventure into ridiculousness. They can be tragic and thought provoking, or they can be deep and inspiring. The whole point is to go someplace else, and if you are so closed minded as to write off this movie just because of the color of the actors, then you are only hurting yourself. Perhaps if you came out of your ignorant shell for a while, movies like this could show you why you're so wrong.
This is coming from a white man, just so all you racists can understand how badly you are on the wrong side of history. Just so I am clear, the same things can be said to racists of all colors. There is no race. There is only the human species, and it is high time we started acting like it... All of us.