MovieChat Forums > Fences (2016) Discussion > Casting of the son kept it from being gr...

Casting of the son kept it from being great

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Of course Denzel and Viola were great as always. But the final confrontation with the son and his dad should have been much more emotional. The scene should have given goosebumps but it didn't quite reach the level it needed to. Someone like Michael B Jordan would have elevated this entire movie if he played the son. Probably too old now, but someone with that type of intensity. 2016 was a great year for dramas and Fences was nowhere near my top 5 (unfortunately).


I agree that the son was weaker than Denzel Washington and Viola Davis, but Jesus, it's DENZEL WASHINGTON AND VIOLA DAVIS. The kid had good moments, it's hard material, and he also didn't have 200 performances of the show under his belt, that EVERYONE ELSE in the cast had.

Granted, Michael b Jordan would have been great.


I thought the actor playing the son was fantastic. Every time I think of that boy I cry. I related to something deep down inside that character. The writing of the character just slayed me. Honestly - I thought he did a great job and I thought he resembled Viola.


I swear I thought it was David Oyelowo. Looks just like him.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
