What are the exact words / sentence Troy says to Rose to exlain his indiscretion. My audience let out a sound loud enough where you could not hear what he says.

" Tipping is Un-American ... Keep your change! "


I'm not 100% certain that the script for the play is identical to what the script for the movie was, but I'm sure it sounded nearly identical to this:

troy: Rose!
She stops and turns around.
I don?t know how to say this. (Pause.) I can?t explain it none. It just sort of grows on you till it gets out of hand. It starts out like a little bush . . . and the next thing you know it?s a whole forest.
rose: Troy . . . what is you talking about?
troy: I?m talking, woman, let me talk. I?m trying to find a way to tell you . . . I?m
gonna be a daddy. I?m gonna be somebody?s daddy.
rose: Troy . . . you?re not telling me this? You?re gonna be . . . what? troy: Rose . . . now . . . see . . .
rose: You telling me you gonna be somebody?s daddy? You telling your wife this?
Gabriel enters from the street. He carries a rose in his hand.
gabriel: Hey, Troy! Hey, Rose!
rose: I have to wait eighteen years to hear something like this.
gabriel: Hey, Rose . . . I got a flower for you. (He hands it to her). That?s a rose.
Same rose like you is. rose: Thanks, Gabe.
gabriel: Troy, you ain?t mad at me is you? Them bad mens come and put me away. You - ain?t mad at me is you?
troy: Naw, Gabe, I ain?t mad at you.
rose: Eighteen years and you wanna come with this.
gabriel (takes a quarter out of his pocket): See what I got? Got a brand new quarter. troy: Rose . . . it?s just . . .
rose: Ain?t nothing you can say, Troy. Ain?t no way of explaining that.
