The was not a supporting actress role
Viola Davis is campaigning for Best Supporting Actress... how?
She's in nearly every scene. And she's incredible. In fact, she might be in more of the movie than Denzel considering the big block of scenes at the end of the movie with no Denzel at all.
And it's not like this is a movie with special effects or a lot of set locations. All the movie is is acting. They're only scetting is really a backyard. The thing that makes this movie special is that it's all acting. This isn't Avatar or Star Wars with intense battle scenes and crazy animation. This is a movie with just five actors in one backyard.
But hey, if she gets in Supporting than she'll win and that's fine by me. I just don't understand how someone walks away from this movie thinking.. she was a great supporting role. Heck, she was the movie.
Maybe the academy will put her in Best Actress, anyhow. Like with Kate Winslet. Kate cleaned up in supporting at all the precursors for The Reader.. then won Best Actress for the same role come the Oscars. This could very well be the case for Viola.
Viola was the leading lady. She was the lead actress.