Ummm...methinks you are projecting a FILM CHARACTER's flawed reasoning to everyone else. I know that in Troy's mind, HE excuses HIS infidelity and other shortcomings with his spiel about providing for his family (and yes, that makes him an A-class jerk). But how is PORTRAYING that loathsome character a sign of ENDORSEMENT of him? Even Rose, who patiently stood by Troy all those years, finally reached her boiling point (she accepted the responsibility of raising Raynell, not out of love for Troy or his mistress but because she had empathy for the newborn girl. Recall her lines about being the mother to a motherless child but Troy being a womanless man). It seems you're angry because Rose's reasons for sticking by Troy and keeping his illegitimate child didn't square up with YOUR values, therefore, the whole film/play is tolerating all the bad or misguided behaviour of its characters. Serious questions: were you outraged with George Lucas when he created Darth Vader? Did you berate the entire Star Wars franchise as a result of him depicting a character with such evil motivations?
The play/film suggests that he had every reason to cut out on them like his own dad did, but he's such a good guy because he stuck around.
HOW did the play/film suggest it (by word or action)? WHO is making the suggestion (August Wilson, Denzel Washington or someone else)? You are assigning a moral judgment on someone/something where there is none. I have NEVER heard nor read anyone giving Troy a pass. Not a single person--young, old, black, white, male, female, actor, film critic or casual film-goer. Nobody is setting up this story to be a moral standard EXCEPT YOU. At the end of the day, this is just ONE of countless human stories to be told. It isn't a crime nor a moral deficiency to just tell those stories.
Here's a newsflash for ya: "Common" decency or sense isn't too common. Indecency exists and this is why we continually struggle to reinstate basic respect and stand up for truth. Instead of getting offended by a FICTIONAL piece of film, perhaps you'd better invest your energy in fighting REAL LIFE problems.