They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that the black experience covers much ground and most of the experiences revolve around personal situations within black families.
Damn right,leophy. That's what I was talking about earlier----life in these United States, and on this earth, dosen't end and began with white people and their stories, anyway. They're so used to everything in American film being about them and their experiences (having dominated Hollywood for most of its existence) that when they see one that isn't, they don't know how to handle it, and they have a very narrow stereotyped view of the black American experience as shown through Hollywood films (which aren't that many, come to think of it--Hollywood only puts out barely a handful each year,anyway. We're Americans too, and we're been here in this country just as damn long as they have. Yet some of them act as if they can't relate to anything on a screen that dosen't have white people front and center and being the dominant narrative like they always do. They need to get over themselves, and real quick.
And to the OP--black people in this country DID suffer as slaves in this country for the first 300 years of its existence--that's our history,it's a damn fact, not fiction--there is no getting around that---all that s*** really happened to us. This is not some damn contest where we can determine who "suffered" the most, or some dumb s*** like that. What I don't understand is why the hell you're taking that as some kind of affront to you as a Latina. It has nothing to do with you---it's a black American story written by a black American, and directed/produced by black Americans. It's not about you either. There are plenty of Latin American films you can watch for yourself. Tired of white folks and other non-white folks acting as if we should just shut up and never tell our stories, and about our experiences with racism just because THEY can't deal with it. Fck that. Too damn bad---like I said once before,it's not about you. I don't see anybody except black people being told to not bear witness to and put their stories of racism out there. Once again, it ain't about you,it's about US. You can deal with that, or not---your choice.