MovieChat Forums > Fences (2016) Discussion > Denzel wins the SAG award. My reaction =

Denzel wins the SAG award. My reaction =

I can't help but think this is undeserved. Viola Davis deserved hers, But Denzel winning against Affleck, Garfield, Gosling, And even the superior Mortensen? Denzel was good in this. But there are more overdue actors that should win awards. If Denzel wins his 3rd Oscar i'll really go nuts. Come on Guild! You can do better.




You are delusional if you think that any of those guys put on a better performance than Washington. Gosling, Mortenson..LMFAO


He was brilliant - a great actor doing justice to a great play! It was beautifully directed, too!

"Forget it Jake; it's Chinatown." - NYC Board of Elections


I haven't yet seen Hacksaw Ridge; but Denzel's performance was far better than Affleck's, Mortensen's, and especially Gosling's.


I don't give two craps about Casey Affleck winning an Oscar. He is not that good of an actor in my opinion. Now if Garfield, Gosling or Mortensen walk away with the Oscar I will not be upset. Denzel is the best actor out of the bunch but I don't like to see the same people keep winning. Which is way I have a problem with them nominating Meryl every year.

Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan, oathes you have taken, now fulfill them all! To lord and land!


To even suggest any of those four could act better than Denzel let alone deserve an oscar lol ..


Thank God you don't get to vote for acting awards, OP. You are about as clueless as they come about the subject.


I get it OP I get it, WHITE POWER!
