Viola Davis Voting Fraud is wrong Academy
If the Academy votes for Viola Davis for best supporting actress then it is form of CATEGORY FRAUD. It also shows how little faith the studio has in Viola Davis. She is a powerhouse actress and did an excellent job in Fences. BUT is the studio saying Davis is not good enough to be a best actress nominee? Or the studio does not think Viola can win best actress? It shows how little faith the studio has in Davis. Yes, people will say Alicia Vikander won last year for the Danish Girl. But it is WRONG to do this. If any Academy member reads IMDB please VOTE put Viola Davis in the BEST ACTRESS category NOT the supporting actress category. Davis is the female lead has so much screentime. I feel this is so UNFAIR to the rest of the women in the supporting category. Why sould someone who is so famous take a spot from another deserving actress? It makes no sense and it is wrong. Yeah, Viola Davis wants an Oscar well boo hoo to her LOL! Lots of actresses want an Oscar but don't get it. Helen Hunt tried this go to the supporting category despite being the female lead in the movie The Sessions but LOST. I sincerely hope the Academy makes the RIGHT DECISION and vote for Viola Davis put her in the best actress category. It is about the integrity of the Academy is at stake. Studios should not be allowed to play voter fraud just because they think another category they can win in. It isn't right. I know I am just one person but I know other people agree with me.