To portray the common, garbage collecting, coloured fellow. All I could see as I struggled to decipher the ghetto dialogue was his glaringly white gnashers. Why did they not consider this?
They weren't dirt poor, living in a rural area. They were working class, living in the city. It was possible that a black man would have clean teeth in the fifties. Or, perhaps Troy wore dentures.
They weren't dirt poor, living in a rural area. They were working class, living in the city. It was possible that a black man would have clean teeth in the fifties. Or, perhaps Troy wore dentures.
They were very poor. This is definitely a plot hole.
"Ghetto dialogue?"
Yes. Why the question?
harry mom look like phil specter but imma still eat that old bitch pussy like i hannabill lecter
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In fiction, a plot hole, plothole or plot error is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot. Such inconsistencies include such things as illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.
harry mom look like phil specter but imma still eat that old bitch pussy like i hannabill lecter
My sister rarely ever went to the dentist and barely ever brushed her teeth and they are white AF. Mine aren't nearly as white and I brushed my teeth twice a day like you're supposed to. He could just be lucky.