The basic concept of time in This movie......
EDIT: Forgot to warn about SPOILERS. So, obvious SPOILERS AHEAD!!
It never changes. Everything that happened always happened that way. There is not free-will. It's just an endless loop. Loop in the sense that you see the future, and try to create THAT future. It's BECAUSE you SAW that future, you were motivated to create it. I'll delve deeper into this.
The characters see one day into the future. Now that same knowledge sets them on the path to create that very future. Clear example of this is the when they discover the picture around min 29:07. The picture is shown around min 29:14, where Finn is standing in front of his painting and Jasper and Callie are kissing each other behind his back. What was her motivation to kiss Jasper? Was it not only after viewing the picture, and in fear of not messing with the time-stream, that Callie decided to kiss Jasper? (Yes, we're aware, though not at that time in the movie, but after watching the entire movie, that they were already having an affair prior to that point. However, to come back at the aforementioned picture, that very act was prompted by seeing the future of it before hand, not because they had the tendency to sleep or fool with each other).
So in the end it all comes down to this; Would they have really kissed each other like that if they didn't KNOW it was SUPPOSE to happen that way? What if they never saw the picture before hand. What would have been the main motivation to create that future? (Don't tell me that they'd just do it because they were already having an affair. I don't think they'd kiss each other with Finn standing right there in front of them! C'mon, seriously?) For those of you who might question this, like this: "But indeed, do tell me the answer to your own question: What if they never saw the picture before hand. What would have been the main motivation to create that future?" I'd say that with that event, they were always meant to find the picture, thus see the future and thereby enact that very future. For those who find this too difficult to grasp tell me and on my next post I'll compare it to the endless loop created in Legacy of Kain series.
Conclusion: They have no Free-Will. As long as they see the future, they have to enact that future, or at least the events leading up to that point. The only way to go about with your life normally is to NOT look at any pictures. That way, you don't know what's going to happen enabling you to go on with your life, seemingly at your own whim. The pictures of course would still be taken, but you don't look at them. Again if you look at the picture, you have to play it out.