MovieChat Forums > Time Lapse (2015) Discussion > Where would you get your money from?

Where would you get your money from?

mmmm 3 people each win the lottery once, then again in say 2-3 years, taping over the lens for all the other days - we are talking huge money.

orrrrrrr Make never lose racing bets to a sleazy Russian mob bookie who you KNOW breaks legs......... yeah cause he's gonna love paying you out week after week.

The film was ok, the concept was good but that part was just plain stupid. If one of them went 'off book' and did some side bets which raised the bookies anger... fine that's logical as people get greedy, bored and over confident...... but gee not as their prime income source. I know the director tried to explain that leap of logic but it was pretty silly.


Yeah, doing small time racing bets with a hood just didn't scan. Do the Lottery. Move on to stocks and shares. Buy a humungous house. Move the machine into the basement. Done!


Well like I said, not as your main income source. Have the sleazy mate do the side bets to drive the story but not as they did it.


This movie was retarded, betting on horses thru shady criminal scumbags?
Why not do it clean and legal way via online betting or a legit bookie agency?

Why not instead of horses (stupid gambling that requires placing large amounts on numerous consequent winnings in a row in order to win significant) bet on a lotto like Powerball or one of those where you must correctly guess 6 numbers out of 49? It would just take 1 guess and they are set for life.

And the ending completely confused me. I couldn't even bother to discern wtf were the film makers trying to say


I would think it's because in The States the lottery is taxed and so you can't do it that often without raising questions from the IRS.

Generally bookies don't ask questions. It's kind of the reason they exist.

More importantly though, if you're already a gambler with a system in place, you're probably just going to continue to use that system.



Not playing lotto because you would be taxed on the winnings? That is a *beep* argument. If you are 100% sure you can win a 100M, so what if you pay 40M tax? Even if you throw in an extra tip of 10M for future taxes and an extra 10M for past unpaid taxes, still leaves you with 40 MILLION!!


I'm not saying you don't play because you have to pay the taxes.

I'm saying because you have to pay taxes, when you win you're going to be flagged by the IRS. You pay and that's all great, but if you keep winning and keep paying, then someone at the IRS may notice the anomaly.

If you're making money through some secret technology, you ideally want to avoid government attention until your system is perfect.



Ok, I hear what you are saying. However I wouldn't keep on winning the lotto. That would be stupid. Only once, BIG time. 50 Mil in the bank should cover expenses for a while, not so? Then let it blow over and then a few years later his buddy (Finn or whatever) could win another big one. Just share it 50/50. Or 33/33/33 if the chick wants in.

I do understand though that there would be no movie if they had done that.


still leaves you with 40 MILLION!!

Reminds me of that story I once heard where a guy killed himself because he lost 35 million. He had 55 million left.

My baby was the devil and I gave her my soul
My baby was the devil and she wanted it all


If it had to be horse or dog racing then surely you wouldn't be betting with some shady bookie. Why not bet at the tote (or whatever you US guys call it)? I would spread my bets on 2, 3 or 4 horses in some of the races and even throw in a few losing bets in some races just to throw them off the scent.

In reality you would have to go with the stocks or forex although I think you have to pay tax on anything you make with that and probably the same with the lottery (although, with a lottery, can you remain anonymous or do you have to reveal who you are)?

It looks like the horses or dogs may be the only thing you don't get taxed on.


Lottery would have been my choice. There are those hugeass lotteries in the US where ytou can win like hundreds of millions.

After that I would invest some of if, especially on houses and apartments.

Buying stocks would also work. All the major banks offer you to open a case in their bank and the teller handles your case. You can choose low-risk or high-risk etc. Just hire a broker for you, open up a million dollar case and just tell the broker he gets 20% of what he makes :] He would have a ton of motivation and he'd be making you money.

You could even offer more since you got money, maybe 40%.


Since the film already set up Jasper as gambling on dog races, and presumably losing money on them, it was natural for him to think of using the machine to turn his luck around on the races. The others weren't into money, so races or lottery weren't really a decision they desired to make.


Not being into money does not make you stupid. Like I said before, what I would have done was have Jasper go behind their backs somehow and place the bets without them knowing and screw it up that way.


Well, I'm going to have to go with them not really having any choice in the matter. The photos showed dog racing results, not lottery numbers. So they were essentially stuck with dog race money.

Jasper would also have a hard time doing this behind their backs, since they all knew about the 8pm photo.


They did the paper with the dog results as a choice. They could just as easily gotten the lottery numbers.


If you have a photo with dog race results, you have no choice but to go with dog races. That photo won't help you win the lottery.


yes, that's because that's what they chose. however, if they would have chosen the lottery, they would have had a photo with the lottery numbers.


Well, no. They really didn't choose anything. There was an appearance at one point that they could choose to report the scientist's body or not, and let everything hinge on what the 8pm photo said to do. It comes out with dog race results, so, no they would not then be able to play the lottery instead.

Now, could they then tell Jasper, "Hey, instead of dog races, next time could you put up Lottery numbers"? Perhaps... but only if that choice would also end up sending them to the future with blood on the window, the hat on the sofa, and the thorium painting. It might be that only dealing with the shady dog race bookie does that future happen.


Start off with the lottery on a powerball or something large. Move me and the machine into a big house so I don't have to worry about people finding it or figuring out what i'm up to. Getting away from the bodies is a plus.

Take a portion of my winnings and watch the stock market and make some real money. Occasionally making a bad investment here and there for a couple thousand loss to ward off suspicion. And then every year during the super bowl go to the casino and bet big on the winner.

Marry super model, grow old, Teach my kids the secret die.

If I figure out how to adjust the machine.

I'll build a hidden underground bunker on land that I bought with a moderate sized house very secluded area.
Set the machine for 50 years in the future.
Set the machine up facing a projector screen, set projector up to a computer, have the computer go to a world renowned medical website (one that will last).
once a day have the projector, computer and camera set to turn on for 15 seconds to take the photo and turn back off.
The day headline reads CURE FOR ______ FOUND reset camera to one day prior and set computer program for that particular date to present the full article (keep adjusting camera and computer settings till all information is obtained) (pay someone to write a computer program if one does not already exist)
Cure all diseases, be filthy rich, and when they ask me to rule the world.


Lottery makes sense, don't know why they didn't think of that.

Lots of people on the board are suggesting stocks and shares. I don't think that would have been a good idea. If you go from never having invested in anything in your life to suddenly raking in tens of millions on your trades, you'll instantly be investigated for stock fraud which would bring a lot more attention than a bookie.



Yeah at the very least I would've lost every so often at a believable rate and spread out my bets to different places to avoid suspicion a little better. Just watching him keep winning every day was making me nervous! Lol. Of course the bookie's going to get suspicious of him cheating! It's hard to believe anyone would be that stupid, but maybe it was the greed that blinded him?


Here's what id do

Work out how much money I actually need:

-The house I wanted

-cars I wanted


-Living & entertainment expenses for the next 50 years

-Add 200% buffer

Then win the lotto once and play the sharemarket until I have the required figure. With the capital from winning lotto, you could easily day trade shares from $50million into a Billion, in a few days.

After that destroy the camera and move away forever.
