Harlock: Space Pirate
The film came out on DVD last week where I live and I watched it for the first time 2 days ago. I thought it was a good film. I've never heard of the Magna comics and the cartoon, which the film was based on. But I gotta admit, the film reminded me of Serenity, the 2005 film. It had some similar plot elements. The human race leaving the Earth to colonize thousands of planet. The government Gaia Sanction ruling the universe. The Homecoming war. Captain Harlock and his crew of space pirates and Harlock and his crew learning the truth behind Earth, which the Gaia Sanction hid from everyone and Harlock and his crew deciding to expose the truth to bring the Gaia Sanction down. Space Pirate Captain Harlock, mostly the cartoon could had been one of Joss Whedon's influences behind Firefly.