What made this movie bad?

I see the IMDB score is fairly low, but I thought the visuals and story was pretty entertaining. Maybe I have low standards for films, but what are the reasons that people think the movie was bad?


I enjoyed the movie a lot, it had a lot of potential. Or rather, enjoy. I like to watch it when I'm bored...but that's because I'm a sucker for space operas and such.

But I think it just tried to pack too much into it, so you're kind of whipped through the story and the melodrama gets to be a bit much. If it was longer, or maybe a short series, I think it could have been a lot better.


honestly a 6.5 is a solid rating for a movie that was far from flawless.

I dont really want to go into all the problems i personally had with this movie, but knowing that i noticed so much, i could easily see why someone not as interested in this type of story, would be less forgiving lol


It felt like there are actual scenes missing. Character development makes giant leaps. We got a lot of forced melodrama. It felt like the movie was told in bullet points rather than as a well written story


The Pirate Captain is an edgy douche we've seen before. Dead mum trope. Council Of Old Men Trope. Tropes, tropes, cliches, and obligatory cape swishes and a "the world is dead 'cus humans suck" plotline thrown in. Samus Aran lookalike.

This film is a polished turd. Pretty to look at but otherwise hollow. A belgian choclate shell with no gooeyness in the middle.


Pretty much what could be said about The Dark Knight.


The visuals were stunning, but the script was horrible. 6.5 is a very fair score if you rate the visuals 10, the story 3 and divide by 2. But I do not rate films in that way, so I gave the film a 5. And I think I am generous.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.
