MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > A reasonably entertaining lark

A reasonably entertaining lark

This being the third entry, the element of sheer surprise has long died out, yet Beyond trots along with considerable aplomb, relishing in the opportunity to pit the Enterprise crew into a single, particularly precarious predicament with seemingly no way out. Of course, leave to the maverick Kirk and his intrepid crew to once again defy the odds and save the day, as well as their own butts. The cast is now very comfortable with their roles, and in return the audience has grown to like them more as well. Surprisingly, if the movie has any significant letdown, it’s Idris Elba, which is a bizarre criticism, granted. Perhaps saying that he is the problem is unfair considering the ungodly amount of makeup he is caked in. His Krall, actually a former Federation officer disillusioned by its altruistic hopes, is a decent antagonist, although it’s difficult to shake off the sense that he is more ‘monster of the week’ than anything else.


While I enjoyed the film I thought Krall was the weakest villain in a Star Trek film
