Will the shields actually work on the NEW Enterprise?
Three films into the revamped Star Trek and in every episode the shields just don't seem to function, at all.
First film, single torpedo from the Narada hits the Enterprise and blows a hole in the medical bay, despite shields being raised.
Items from the debris field is seen hitting the hull, bouncing off and leaving marks on the hull.
The saucer of the destroyed ship even scrapes off a few hull panels.
Second film, the USS Vengeance manages to penetrate and tear apart the hull in multiple locations simply by using phasors.
Torpedoes doing even more damage, again, with shields still up
Third film, the mining drones are able to ram and destroy the weapons ports on the enterprise with shield frequencies having no effect.
I often wonder if it's a cost issue or something, I remember in Deep space 9, the only shield effects we really saw was the control section of DS9, the defiant and the Dakota, but when the big ship battles took place, no ships had any shields at all.