Transporter Question

Not a technical guy or a Trekkie so hopefully someone can clear this up. When Kirk is on the motorcycle at the end (which he apparently bought gas for at the same store Peter Quill buys batteries for his walkman), he leaps through the air and grabs Jaylah and both are transported. Is that possible within Star Trek reality? Shouldnt Scotty have to lock on to her as well? Why didn't Scotty just lock on to her? Does just touching another person lock you on? Seems to me it would mix their DNA together into a messy blob.


From what I can understand from the movies, yes they can beam someone onto the ship just by touching that person.


aka Star Trek 4 the Voyage Home when Gillian beams onto the Klingon ship with Kirk.


I think Earth might not be using fossil fuels anymore when that bike was made.


Valid point. But it still looked like a circa 2016 motor cycle.

My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.


My guess is that they would have had to compensate for the increase in weight based on other times something similar has happened in Star Trek, but I think it makes sense in-universe.


What we didn' see is Scotty looking at the transporter controls and going "Okay, locked on...there's a 90 percent increase in mass...and now I see a different pattern...seperating the two in the pattern buffer...and!"
It's happened multible times. Even from INSIDE the transporter beam when Reg Barclay in TNG pulled a person out of the matter stream inside the beam.
