I think star trek is over

At this point, what's left to do? Things end eventually. I love trek and we'll always have the old shows and over a dozen movies, but I think it's time to move on. Three movies with huge budgets and they feel so slight and repetitive. Who will be talking about these new films in twenty years? I say just let it go.


I think you need a nice bowl of plomik soup.


I think that's exaggerating a bit. I don't think one bad film could kill the entire franchise. But yes maybe THIS film series is over I dont know. People seemed convinced even with Beyond's poor box office it still may make enough to get it one more film. I'm kind of in the middle meaning I dont see it as a guarantee now but if it does well enough on DVD/Blu Ray then its possible even with a much lower budget.

Either way though its clear those films will not last much longer given the bigger budgets and Paramount hasn't really made a lot of money off of them. I think they will do something else in the future with a smaller budget and different cast but yes that could be years away.

And either way we have to remember Trek is coming back to the small screen which is where its real future lies. Now Discovery could bomb too but if its a hit then Trek will be fine. And with the news Michelle Yeoh has been cast for the new show has got a lot of us super excited. 

So its not over yet. They might stop making films for awhile until they come up with something else but Trek will keep finding ways to stay relevant and popular.


it just needs a batman reboot. It needs to go gritty and hardcore, rather than the softball, goofy action shift they've been doing the last 3 movies.


it just needs a batman reboot. It needs to go gritty and hardcore, rather than the softball, goofy action shift they've been doing the last 3 movies.

"Gritty and hardcore" is exactly what the creators of this Abrams-version were thinking when they took it in this direction, so that's not what it needs at all.

The reason why this version has declined so fast is because it tried to be like the 60's show, but a "badass" updated, action packed version, with none of the intelligent sci-fi content that Star Trek is known for.

I felt the first in this series was good, but it took a nose-dive with Into Darkness, and Beyond was corny and overly action-packed, with a silly motorcross action-set piece to save the day (this is Star Trek how?) and a very cheap, contained feel to it.

I don't think Star Trek as a series and franchise necessarily needs to die, although I agree that some things simply run their course over time, but what it needs is new life and ideas, sort of like how they used to progress the show until they stopped airing it on TV.

I feel it works better as a TV series, because more time can be spent on developing the philosophy and depth of the characters. The next Star Trek movie after this one should be a movie of a show that has at least 3 or 4 seasons behind it, like they did with the Next Generation cast.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon 


Gritty and hardcore is not a phrase I would use to describe these new movies. They are more like action flicks with some humor thrown in.

I'm talking dark/gritty & serious movie that actually introduces permanent entities into the startrek universe. What we've gotten so far is just one off villians of years past.


The biggest problem I had with the reboot series is that it brought back the characters in name only and jammed them into an action movie. If they're going to reimagine the personalities of each of the characters (i.e. Kirk being a screw up, Spock being emo), they need to give them time to develop. There is little to no room for character development in the series because 80% of the movie is spent on action sequences and introducing the latest villain. I was disappointed in the original reboot and each sequel has gotten progressively worse. I think it needs to go back to TV (which it's doing with Star Trek: Discovery).


They are already casting the characters for the new TV show.


Well if writers had intelligence, imagination and audiences weren't stupid and looking for explosions and zero subtext, social commentary in a film, then we could have actual Star Trek...


I think BEYOND is a terrific Star Trek movie. And here's why:



the movie series is in serious trouble now, and it seems Discovery might be in trouble too.


Well if the recent movies aren't your thing you might be interested to know there's going to be a new series titled Star Trek: Discovery lauch of said series is apparently May next year.
