MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > The REAL reason this great movie tanked ...

The REAL reason this great movie tanked at the box office.

The reason this movie did poorly at the box office is because the a great amount of actors of the Star Trek TV series (all of the series) formed a Facebook page entitled "Trek Against Trump". They spent months telling people that voting for Trump is against the beliefs of all those involved in Star Trek. Millions of people were furious that the actors were telling them who to vote for and organized a boycott of the franchise. Since then not only has Star Trek Beyond tanked, the new series has been postponed multiple times, the series creator Bryan Fuller is out and as I said it has been postponed TWICE. CBS should have published a disclaimer pointing out the actors of the TV series (along with writers and authors)views do not necessarily reflect those of the studio. By failing to do that, or to issue an apology, they have killed the franchise. If you don't believe me, check out the lukewarm response to the Las Vegas Trek Convention coming up. They have done this to themselves.


"Security - release the badgers."


If this is true, then we are living in a dystopia. But those kind of people would never watch Star Trek in the first place.


The only way you make sense is if the cast of Star Trek used mind control powers to dictate your behavior. Because they haven't, they (as well as you) are entitled to your OPINION. The fact that you get so flustered when others dare to disagree with you says volumes.


You should have seen the reaction. I am not making it up. This list of people swearing boycott that had been Trek fans for life was staggering.


Being a Trek-fan and a Trumpet is illogical.
Trek is diversity and acceptance, not.
