MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > So...what should have been the story of ...

So...what should have been the story of Star Trek 3? Klingons, Borg?

I liked Beyond I really did. It is a shame it was marketed so poorly because I think it would have done just fine if Paramount didn't screw the pooch so bad.

With that said now that hindsight is 20/20 what do you think the story should have been? The same? Different?

Personally I was hoping for the inevitable Klingon War. We had it built up to so well in Into Darkness, that I think it would have been awesome that Admiral Marcus' prophecy of the Klingon War coming to pass...COMING TO PASS! Yes he was the villain but it would have been a pretty neat turn of events to have what he said be true! That in a way he was right.

Anyway, the new Klingons looked so bad ass I really wanted to see more of that. The whole movie could have taken place in space and no where near earth like everyone wanted.

I thought a cool idea would have been down the road of their five year mission, the Enterprise stumbles along a planet being taken over by the Klingons, or at least the Klingon's trying to rule it.

Enterprise has to enlist all of their new friends in the zone, and come together to defeat this batch of Klingons. The movie ends with their defeat but one ship getting away to tell Kronos what had happened building up to future conflict.

Your thoughts?


I would have loved it it they had shown them early in their five year missio
n, exploring, but then having to deal with the Klingons as the main conflict.

You're right that Into Darkness really set that up. They could have built off the incidents in that film, the confrontation Kirk & Co had with the Klingons triggering or escalating things and kicking off the war.

Have a lovely day - John Finnemore


They knew people really hated STID though so they decided to just ignore it completely. I thought the movie was a piece of *beep* but I think the Klingon part of it was actually interesting. Whats sad is that movie should've been about the Klingons and Section 31 using them to start a war but instead they *beep* it up using Khan and some weak war on terrorism story line that actually had noting to do with the Klingons.

If the writers were at least better they could've came up with a better way to include the Klingons instead of Khan just showing up with his super magic personal teleporter and sit on his ass on their planet for a few hours. What was even the point of that crap? Just a horrible film.


They knew people really hated STID...

Correction: Some people really hated STID

Agree they could have integrated the Klingons into the story better. But it all would have worked much better if they hadn't gotten so hung up on the "homage" to TWoK. Imagine the whole film as is with the exception of Harrison being one of Khan's crew members instead of Khan himself and with the Kirk's "death" scene not re-enacting Spock's death scene from TWoK.

Have a lovely day - John Finnemore


Not really only the hardcore fans hated it the movie itself did very well an was liked by the general audience the reason beyond diddnt do as good was because it was closer to the original star trek an felt like an extended episode an thats not what the fans of this style wanted



And the reason Khan went to the Klingon planet (IMO) was to earn the trust of Kirk and company by helping them escape. He also correctly surmised that Marcus would also be unethical (i.e. fire torpedoes with living beings inside them onto the Klingon planet), which would create distrust between Kirk & starfleet. All this led to Kirk trusting Kahn enough and not trusting Marcus at all, which allowed Kahn to re-enter the Vengeance.


^^This is the craziest excuse for bad writing I ever heard. 

First off, the guy tried to kill Kirk in that meeting and killed his mentor, Pike. Why the *beep* would Kirk suddenly trust him after that???? Secondly, Kirk wasn't a Captain anymore, he was demoted to first officer so how could Khan know Kirk could even go to the planet to find him? THere was no way of knowing who would look for him and why Kirk? What was so special about Kirk that he thought he would be the one to show up (and with all of Khan's people too) out of an entire starfleet of people to hunt him down? Lastly how would Khan know Marcus would be stupid enough to give ANYONE those missiles to kill him? Did Khan read minds too and know this plan ahead of time or something? None of that makes any sense.

Want to know why people hate this movie....see above. 

Just bad, lazy writing. Khan went to the Klingon planet and just sat on his ass with his super plan Kirk or someone might show up with maybe the missiles with all his buddies in them but maybe don't use them to kill him so he can convince the others to sneak on the Vengance which might show up. Wow, "brilliant" plan.


The fact that they went with Pegg's script is proof that there's no end game. They have no idea where the characters are going. I don't know what Beyond should have been. But it shouldn't have been what it was. It's just disturbing to me that nobody involved with the series seems to know what they're doing, why they're doing it, or where they're going.


Agreed onethreetwo.

There should have been foresight for more after just the one movie.

Every franchise is going to multiple movies in their universes, but they made a single story film that had no where to go.


They really needed a no-win Koboyashi Maru situation or a dilemma like City on the Edge of Forever which didn't just rely on using the same basic plot but just changing the villains' costume. And if they did have to go for villains, something like The Tholian Web or Balance of Terror. The earlier Trek films were more likely to come up with a situation - STMP, Voyage Home, Final Frontier, Undiscovered Country - than constantly trying to rehash Khan.

"Security - release the badgers."
