So many things...
I had trouble understanding; partially the film and part me, suppose. Some help please:
1.The enterprise fell to the ground *from space* and wasn't completely obliterated?
2. The alien chick (Jaylah) learned perfect English from living in the remains of the Franklin for a few years?
3.Krall (and two crew members) crash landed on the abandoned planet and somehow populated it with thousands of people in a hundred years or so? As well as manufacturing spacesuits/weapons, feeding/housing/etc from NOTHING.
4.You think StarFleet has abandoned you forever so naturally you disguise yourself as an alien?
5.In the middle of an emergency situation you decide to watch old videos of the crew (whom as far as you know has been dead for decades) and magically spot Edison/Krall without makeup?
6. They specifically said that old ships like the Franklin weren't made to fly in an atmosphere yet somehow it had engines powerful enough to lift it against the force of gravity anyway?
7.Yet they wouldn't activate until the ship was falling at terminal velocity(determined solely by atmosphere)?