TOP 11 DUMBEST things about this sad excuse for a movie
#11 - Simon Pegg's Saturday Morning Cartoon take on his character, complete with an infuriating insistence to add "lassy" to at least 50% of his lines of dialogue
#10 - Kirk's knowing smiles into the camera. They were growing old the second time he did it, by the fifth it became cringe worthy.
#9 - Every single one of Bones' one-liners falling utterly flat.
#8 - Shot way too brightly at times, which made some of the sets stand out as being just that: sets.
#7 - Kirk's contrived personal crisis in the beginning of the film, and his nifty change of heart at the end of the film.
#6 - The Enterprise being torn apart to a sole remaining giant satellite dish, and everyone acting like the damage is barely more than superficial
#5 - Zoe Saldana phoning in her performance (she couldn't even bother to fake caring about that alien woman being killed by Krall)
#4 - The scene where Kirk rolls up in a bike shooting super glue out of its ass
#3 - Kirk's lenience toward Kalara when she was effectively responsible for the murder of hundreds of Enterprise crew personnel
#2 - Kickstarting the U.S.S. Franklin by driving it off a cliff
#1 - Defeating the Swarm with Beastie Boys (blaring out of what looks to be a Betamax)
And many, many other inanities.
How anyone could prefer this dreck to its vastly superior predecessors is BEYOND (pun intended) me.