Eph/Dutch discussing the bomb plans in front of vamps is IDIOTIC, right?
if the Master can see through every vamp's eyes (basically using the vamps as a camera/telephone) doesn't that mean anything discussed in front of any/every vamp (created with the Master's vamp strain) is instantly heard by the Master as well?
someone/something tipped off Kelly/Eichorst/etc about the Central Park silver bomb gig and isn't it technically Eph/Dutch/Fet/Kate Rogers who tipped the vamps off since they without hesitation revealed the bomb plans right in front of the vamp test subjects on the tables at Fet's place?
and if i'm right (about the vamps being microphones for the Master) about this doesn't that make Eph/Dutch/etc mind-numbingly stupid for not adhering to the show's established vamp rules?