MovieChat Forums > The Strain (2014) Discussion > What was the point of the Fets grandfath...

What was the point of the Fets grandfather story?

Is Eichorst somehow going to use this against Fet?

------------------------ - The IMDb Politics Board.


Fet wants to sound like he is human, and Strevorkian wants to look like he can feel compassion for a total f-ing loser who is hardly more than a cartoon character.


To explain Fet's family's (in particular his father's) WWII background and the context in which Fet's father was "disappointed" in him.


I can't possibly believe this was their intent given the politics of the rest of the show, but it seems like they were trying to draw some parallel between killing Jews in the War and killing rats and other parasites in the modern day. It plays out as them saying Jews are like rats but like I said, that couldn't possibly have been their intent so it must have been either some critical part of the story was edited out or it was bungled in some other way.


There's that comic called mouse, about holocaust drawn by a jew where all the Jews are rats and all the fascists are dogs. These kinds of parallels are not exactly rare. And bit that bothered his dad was his choice to become exterminator, just like his grandfather. What was he exterminating was irrelevant


I was thinking this too, the grandfather flashbacks where fluff / padding then after another flashback followed the ship scene...

it hit me! they were going to link the cargo to the flashback, it made sense! but then they didn't so it was just fluff afterall.


"What was the point of the Fets grandfather story?"

IMO nothing, however,

"Is Eichorst somehow going to use this against Fet? "

If so at least that would be something interesting. I would hope that they would use that as something rather than just to throw it in there but who knows.


I thought the point of the story was to give Setrakian and Fet something to bong over. In the past Setrakian has been rather dismissive of any discussion of Fet's personal life. This is the first time that they've really opened up to each other.


MasterMoron, i too thought it was to bond Fet & Abe. they now have a similar-ish storyline/history kind of.
