Flee at night?

Should have done that at first light. And what are people still doing in the city? Should have evacuated days before.


I mean that's the show... They always feel the need to do all their activities just before dark.


Well, that's what they got for it.

The problem is, where should the people go? It's not like it's only happening in NYC right now. And just a few days ago it looked like the police had most of the city under control.


The problem is, where should the people go? It's not like it's only happening in NYC right now.

Anywhere is better than being stuck on an island.

And just a few days ago it looked like the police had most of the city under control.

Not after the Battle of Central Park...


An island would be great if there were no strigori on it since they can't cross moving water on their own and now it's probably next to impossible for a strigori like Eichorst to hire a mortal to transport vampire-looking people. The more isolated & longer it takes to get there the better so infected people turn into strigori en route and likely cause the plane or boat to not get there.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Yes, an island would be great if that were the case but it isn't in this particular case... they are stuck on an island with thousands if not millions of Strigori... Btw why can't they cross a bridge over moving water?


Btw why can't they cross a bridge over moving water?

I've been wondering that myself and the very concept of that idea to me feels both confusing and ....stupid. Does floating/moving water contain trace elements of Silver or something?

Honestly, this made me wonder, if you turn on your sprinkler in your front yard, since the water from the sprinkler is moving, are you now safe from any Strigoi from attacking from the front of your house? Does one just need to run 4 sprinklers at night on each side and you're totally safe?

Kidding, but what about opening a fire hydrant and letting the water run downhill, is that a Strigoi deterrent? How did the ancients get from the old world to the new world without ever crossing over moving water? I presume not by boat since that would be crossing over moving water. Yet, how did the master fly into JFK from Europe? Isn't that trip over moving water? or do seas not "move"?

Silly, silly concept.


They need a mortal to move them, i.e. operate the boat, fly the plane, drive the van, etc. Unlike silver & UV light, there's not even a remotely logical science-y explanation for it.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Silly, silly concept.

Yes, rather silly... All else (sun, bullet to head etc.) is fine but moving water??


Yes, rather silly... All else (sun, bullet to head etc.) is fine but moving water??

Yes, there are people in world, where excessive sunlight exposure will cause burns to your skin due to UV radiation contained in sunlight. There's a pigment in people's skin called Melanin which will help improve your resistance to UV radiation. There's also this product called sun screen out there.

There are a few genetic conditions that can leave people more or less prone to burns from sunlight. So the idea that after being affected with a disease, your sensitivity to UV radiation changes, is not entirely scientifically unsound. There's a fairly reasonable, logical explanation that allows us to have the 'suspension of disbelief' and go along with the premise.

Likewise, we can see what happens when a bullet to the head occurs in war, videos of cop shootings and perhaps real life experience. We know a bullet to the head, typically, results in death with a few exceptions of say metal plates in the head or hitting an area that just leaves someone paralyzed or with a damaged memory that leaves the part responsible for breathing and movement in tact.

So the idea that a bullet to the head causes death takes VERY little suspension of disbelief. The idea that a bullet to the 'leg' does not cause death also doesn't require that much suspension of disbelief, as you can see stories of via 'willpower' people falling great distances, with a broken leg, crawling back a few km to the nearest road to seek help when they realize they were on their own and so-forth.

The disease makes you more akin to a pre-programmed biological machine and machines will keep trying to work indefinitely -- even when wrecked. IE a crashed car if the foot is under the accelerator might continue to spin the wheels even if it's flipped upside down.

The idea that stepping on a crack will cause your mother's back to break....seems...well...improbable as we all step on cracks every day. So in order for that to be 'true' in a story's universe would require an immense suspension of disbelief to the point we might call that concept 'silly'.

Likewise for, if you walk across a bridge over flowing water, you'll explode and die!


There's outbreaks in dozens of cities in the United States, and the world. But there are lots of places significantly less screwed than NYC.


I was saying the same thing. The writing is so moronic in this show. Bunker down in the cop station and leave in the morning. Their is no common sense at all. Where is the military? Generals, leaders. NY just gets a council woman. I know they Mentioned it once that one of the rangers said they were letting the city go, but she was always in charge. Just stupid.


Perhaps the Master has influence on national policy, hence the failure of the federal government to allocate resources to NYC.

...and Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice, whenever he's away

