The master is a ridicoulous vilian; Zach's the worst character i've seen
How can you expect us to fear a vilain that has already been beaten 3 times in a row? It's like since the beginning of the show i never considered him as a real threat. I find Eichhorst or even Zach more of a threat than the Master. He's literally terrified of Quinlan who by the way, could take the master's entire army by himself. They had him beaten at the end of season one but he crawled away like a wuss. Same at the beginning of season 3 when they cut off his head and he escaped into the sewer. And now they just kicked his ass esaily and trapped him in the coffin like he was one of the stupid minions. I mean even the other ancients show us some fight but not this joke of a vilain. And guess what, he escaped again.Not because he's genious and had a plan B. He got lucky thanx to the stupid kid (ZAch: horrible writing acting and character by the way). Not mentionning the fact he has an entire army at his disposal but always sends maximum 5-6 of his minions in critical situations.In the last episode he knew they were coming after him and still waited alone to confront them and got his ass kicked..come on... It makes the entire show ridiculous and makes me lose interest in it. The show has a lot of potential but some storywriting and the characters are so bad it destroys everything.What was Gus storyline in this season? Did he have a purpose other than feeding his mother? It's like they're keeping his charchter but have no clue what to do with him. And Zach, what a horrible character. It's not a good vilain. Some vilains are hated but in a good sort of way and you actually love to watch them. This prick is just awfull and they decide to make us hate him even more. Note because he is great but because he's lame and stupid. I assume in season 4 the will try to explain his actions or make him redeem himself (please no...) and his father will keep trying to save him (ZAAAAAACH!!!). If they don't kill him in the very first episode i will literaly skip every scene he is in (i'm actually doing it already...). Sorry for my english by the way.