F#@+ FOX, I'd like to see Netflix pick it up.
In the world of 'reality' tv, vampires, werewolves, aliens, Ryan Seacrest, and Joe Buck (who I am thoroughly convinced ARE aliens and why they're still on FOX) a show like A.H. would never have made it on FOX to begin with. I don't know why FOX even picked it up in the first place. Maybe they thought since it was set in the future they'd get a shot of putting Seacrest on there as a cheesy, robot-like alien host. Oh wait, never mind, he already has that job.
I'm just about to the point where I spend more time on Netflix than watching 'real' TV. I can watch what I want(almost) whenever. If I could get local channels on 'Flix I'd cancel cable in a heartbeat.
That said, I would love to see this show get picked up by Netflix. It would be nice to see this show on there. That way, you could actually see the show in the order it was meant to be seen. Oops. Screwed that up too FOX.